July 1, 2014
Beat the heat all summer long
Thank you for celebrating National Safety Month with us in June. Even though the month is over, summer has just begun. Below is some useful information on summer safety for you to share throughout the rest of the summer. Remember: Safety doesn't take a vacation. Stay safe all yearlong.
Tips to share this summer:
• No matter how long you plan on being out, wear sunscreen with an SPF of at least 15.
• Take water breaks every 15 minutes when working or playing outdoors — try to set up a shady or air conditioned recovery area.
• Eat small, light meals before outdoor activity.
• Wear eye and ear protection, and appropriate shoes and clothing when operating a lawnmower or working nearby.
• Always lock the doors of your car after you have exited — children may get into cars on their own and become trapped inside.
Spot outdoor working hazards:
According to the Centers for Disease Control, people who work outdoors are exposed to biological and physical hazards. Employers should educate their employees on how to both identify and prevent future hazards from occurring.
Keep young workers safe:
Young workers under the age of 24 are more prone to work-related injuries than any other age group. This can be caused from the environment, inexperience and lack of safety training. The Centers for Disease Control offers more information on this issue.
Water-related injuries:
Every day, about 10 people die from unintentional drowning. Of these, two will be children age 14 or younger. Drowning is the sixth leading cause of unintentional injury death for people of all ages, and the second leading cause of death for children ages 1-14 years. Get the facts from the Centers for Disease Control on unintentional drowning.
Review OSHA's heat campaign:
Every year, thousands of workers become sick or even die from exposure to heat. Check out these OSHA heat safety resources to stay safe.
Stay connected this summer:
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Everyone enjoys a little bit of summer fun, but it's important to listen to your body and take necessary steps to stay safe in the heat. In the final days of #NSM14, share these tips before you work or play outside. http://ow.ly/vyQ56
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Ready for a safe summer? Sign up for National Safety Month to receive free resources: http://ow.ly/vyQ56 #NSM14