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K-State Today

March 9, 2017

Lights, camera, action: Registration officially begins for 2017 K-State 48-Hour Film Festival

Submitted by Matthew Blomberg

KSU 48 Film Festival

Grab your cameras and your friends, the K-State 48-Hour Film Festival is quickly approaching. Teams who sign up by 5 p.m. Wednesday, March 22, will ensure they reserve T-shirts for their group.

The competition is open to any current K-State student and team sizes are limited to a maximum of 10 participants — teams of three to five generally work the best. Sign up your team today and make sure you get your T-shirts reserved.

So, what exactly is a 48-hour film festival? You and your friends will have 48 hours to create an original story that includes three creative elements announced at the start of the festival. In the video below, participants from last year's festival describe the competition, the thrill of making a film in only two days, and what the event meant to them. 

The kickoff event starts at 5:30 p.m. April 6 at Forum Hall in the Leadership Studies Building. 

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