October 19, 2017
Highlights from the Oct. 10 Faculty Senate meeting
These are the highlights from the Oct. 10 Faculty Senate meeting. Minutes become available on the Faculty Senate website as they are approved.
Guest: Vice President for Human Capital Services Jay Stephens visited with senators about his vision for HCS.
Guest: Trent McGee provided a brief overview to senators regarding K-State 360 and its purpose.
Standing committee and Student Senate reports:
- Academic Affairs: Information was provided about the revised interdisciplinary program approval process.
- Faculty Affairs: University Handbook Section E proposed changes were brought forward as a first reading. Other handbook changes are making their way through committee and will be brought to full senate for a vote when ready.
- Professional Staff Affairs, PSA: An announcement went out in K-State Today about the committee and its members as part of their initiative this year to be more visible to its constituents.
- Student Senate: Peuchen discussed some of the city/university fund ideas coming forward.
- Technology, FSCOT: Shappee reminded senators about cybersecurity and being proactive.
- University Planning, FSCOUP: Littrell reported on the committee's city/university fund ideas. If you have any, please submit these to them.
- President Lindshield presented his report from the September Kansas Board of Regents meeting.
- President Lindshield has charged a workgroup, chaired by President-elect Wood, to review the weapons policy and concealed carry optional syllabus language. Wood will keep senators updated.
Open discussion period
- A faculty senator yielded his time for Stephen Kucera, SGA, to discuss his open letter to Faculty Senate related to Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, or DACA, changes impact on university students. Two students shared their personal experiences related to the DACA changes.
Brian Lindshield
Faculty Senate President
Associate Professor
Food, Nutrition, Dietetics and Health
Kansas State University
208 Justin Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506