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  4. »Register for the 30th annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture

K-State Today

April 5, 2018

Register for the 30th annual Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture

Submitted by Jo Blackburn

Registration is open for the 30th annual Kansas State University Conference on Applied Statistics in Agriculture, May 6-8, at the Hilton Garden Inn and Convention Center in Manhattan.

Reserve your hotel room by April 5 for the discounted rate.

The 2018 conference will feature a workshop, Introduction to Graphical Modeling for Agricultural Data, and a keynote address, "Harnessing Operational Farm Data to Enhance Advancement of Agricultural Sciences" presented by Guilherme J.M. Rosa, department of animal science and the department of biostatistics and medical informatics, University of Wisconsin-Madison.

The annual conference provides a forum for discussion of statistical issues motivated by agricultural problems and brings together statisticians from academia, industry and government to discuss ideas and advancements in agricultural statistics.

More information about the conference can be found at global.k-state.edu/conf/applied-stats

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