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  4. »Give your opinion about prescription opioids

K-State Today

April 10, 2019

Give your opinion about prescription opioids

Submitted by Marie Armstrong

Please consider supporting graduate students' research by taking a short survey. This survey was developed as a part of the Strategic Communication course at K-State. The purpose of this survey is to understand the current state of use of prescription opioids in the Kansas State University community. The results from this study will provide the necessary information to design a health campaign to address the use of prescription opioids. 

We understand that this topic may be sensitive, but the survey is completely anonymous and personal information that could identify you will not be asked or recorded.

Take survey online

This project has been approved by the Kansas State University Institutional Review Board, IRB No. 9720. You must be 18 years old or older to participate.

Thank you for your time.

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