October 7, 2019
Adulting 101: Cooking Basics and Food Safety

As part of the Adulting 101 series, the WellCAT Ambassadors at Lafene Health Center will offer Cooking Basics and Food Safety from 6-7:30 p.m. Tuesday, Oct. 8, at Kramer Dining Center.
This workshop will be presented by Kramer Dining Center student dietitians.
During this workshop, participants will view a cooking demonstration and learn about knife skills with sharpening and safety techniques, and food safety, along with preparing a mug-cake dessert.
Attendees at this event will be entered into a raffle for a food thermometer, a K-State mug and free T-shirts. Participants who attend six or more of the Adulting 101 workshops will be entered into a drawing for one of two free massages at Lafene Health Center or one of two gift certificates for one free one-hour lane rental — up to six people — at Axe to Grind.
For more information, email wellcat@k-state.edu or call 785-532-5226.