December 10, 2019
Historical journal article wins Western History Association prize

An article in the spring 2018 edition of Kansas History: A Journal of the Central Plains, published through a partnership between the K-State history department and the Kansas Historical Foundation/Kansas Historical Society, has won an award for best essay of the year.
The article, "Assembling a Buckle of The Bible Belt: From Enclave to Powerhouse," written by Jay Price, director of the Public History Program at Wichita State University, won the Arrington-Prucha Prize from the Western History Association, for the best essay of the year on religious history of the West.
Professor Martha A. Sandweiss, president of the Western History Association, presented the award to Virgil Dean, the consulting editor for the journal, who accepted the award for Price, who was unable to attend the award ceremony.
As managing editor, James Sherow, university distinguished professor of history, received the award on behalf of the journal.