February 3, 2020
A.Q. Miller School to dedicate new 'plug and play' lab facility
A new "plug and play" computer lab will be officially dedicated Monday, Feb. 3, as the A.Q. Miller School of Journalism and Mass Communications recognizes some generous donations from the College of Arts and Sciences and from a friend of the program.
The lab facility represents $35,000 of financial support, which enabled the A.Q. Miler School to re-equip 107 Kedzie Hall to conform to the school's recently enacted "computer buy" program, where incoming students are required to purchase their own laptop computer and appropriate software. According to technology committee chair Nick Homburg, new monitor screens and tables were purchased with money from the college. The new configuration allows students to merely plug in their own computer at any table and to participate in lab instruction.
Homburg said that the school has also purchased four new desktop computers as a backup for students who cannot afford a new computer or to meet other needs, such as personal computer breakdowns. The desktop models were made possible through a gift from Steve Edgerly of Dayton, Ohio, an A.Q. Miller School alumnus who is now retired, but had a career as a sports broadcaster and public school teacher. Homburg said that Edgerly will attend the dedication.
The dedication will be at 3 p.m. Monday, Feb. 3, in 107 Kedzie Hall.