September 13, 2021
Student organizations can earn funds by participating in Kansas Beats the Virus campaign
Submitted by Center for Student Involvement
The Center for Student Involvement is excited to share an opportunity for student organizations on campus to be part of the solution to increase COVID-19 vaccination and testing rates. The center now serves as the university partner with the Kansas Leadership Center for its Kansas Beats the Virus, or KBTV, campaign. The campaign focuses on encouraging vaccination and testing by mobilizing Kansans to generate local solutions to end the COVID-19 pandemic in Kansas for good.
As the campus partner with KLC for this campaign, the center will provide registered student organizations the opportunity to raise funds for their group. Organizations will receive funds for each phase of the campaign they complete with the ability to receive up to $500 if all phases are completed by the deadlines. Phases of engagement include:
- Attending an information session, $50.
- Hosting an organization meeting to brainstorm project ideas — a Kansas Leadership Center facilitator will be assigned and able to assist in this process, $100.
- Submitting a project action plan outlining three measurable goals, $100.
- Completing the project action plan, $100.
- Achieving the stated project action plan goals, $50 for each.
The required information session will take place at 5:30 p.m. Monday, Sept. 20, in the Bluemont Room of the K-State Student Union. During this information session, organization leadership will learn about the KBTV campaign, overview of the K-State process and more. Organizations interested in participating in the campaign but unable to attend in person may join via Zoom.
Organizations interested in participating in the KBTV campaign are encouraged to RSVP for the meeting by Friday, Sept. 17.
Questions about the campaign or the fundraising opportunity for student organizations may be directed to Kelli Farris at