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K-State Today

April 9, 2013

Communication studies faculty participate in communication conference

Submitted by Sarah Sullivan

Communication studies faculty members, LeAnn Brazeal, Soo-Hye Han, Sarah Riforgiate and William Schneck-Hamlin reviewed research and led interest group discussions related to areas of current focus in communication at Kansas City’s Central States Communication Association Conference. 

Faculty members participate in such conferences and conduct research annually.  Communication studies majors and minors reap the benefits of this continual investigative work that accelerates the growth of both department and its students. 

Faculty members and presentations included:

  • LeAnn Brazeal, chair for "Political Communication Interest Group"
  • Soo-Hye Han, "I ‘Respectfully’ Disagree: The Effects News Framing on Civility in Political Discussion"
  • Sarah Riforgiate, "Testing Threshold Levels: Conflict, Equity, and Satisfaction in Dividing Domestic Labor"
  • William Schenck-Hamlin, respondent for "Political Communication Interest Group"

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