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  4. »Public transportation usage survey for K-State community

K-State Today

March 29, 2023

Public transportation usage survey for K-State community

Submitted by Thom Jackson

Students from the of landscape architecture and regional & community planning department at the College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, need your input to develop a Transit Action Plan for the Flint Hills Area Transportation Authority.

This project is part of their PLAN 836: Plan Making course taught by Assistant Professor Shakil Kashem. To develop this plan, they are conducting a bus rider survey and an online survey of K-State students and employees to understand public transportation usage patterns on campus and around Manhattan.

The online survey for the K-State community asks questions related to the frequency of bus usage, overall commuting pattern and desired improvement for public transportation at K-State and in Manhattan. Participation in this survey is voluntary and will take approximately 5-10 minutes. The survey link is provided below.

Two $25 gift cards will be awarded to two survey respondents randomly drawn from all participants. If you would like to be included in the draw, please provide your email address at the end of the survey. Your email address will be collected separately and cannot be connected to your response to this survey.

Please take the survey online. 

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