August 16, 2013
Summary of Alternative Service Committee minutes from July 24
Submitted by Alternative Service Committee
Below is a summary of the Alternative Service Committee minutes from the July 24 meeting. The complete minutes are online.
Gary Leitnaker and Carol Marden will meet with general counsel to discuss the university support staff handbook, vote announcement, and ballot question. An update will be shared at the next Alternative Service Committee meeting on Aug. 14.
Barb Nagel gave an update on the meeting with planning and analysis in which their assistance with the vote in November was requested. They agreed to administer the voting process. Discussion took place on the ballot question.
Marden gave an update on the meeting with the Information Technology Assistance Center. The IT help desk has agreed to provide assistance to anyone who will need help with the electronic voting process, such as creating an email account, passwords, accessing the vote link, etc. They suggested with the upcoming changes to the email system, that we do a test survey to make sure it is working correctly. A meeting will be scheduled to coordinate the voting process with planning and analysis, IT Help desk, and Alternative Service Committee.
Having a booth at the Benefits Expo in October was discussed. Discussion was held on the items that need to be included in hand-outs to classified employees. It was suggested contacting the Information Technology Assistance Center to see if it could offer on-site assistance with email accounts.
It was realized that new classified employees are not getting any information about university support staff. Discussion was held on the communications team creating a flyer that could be handed out to all new classified employees at new employee orientation.
A draft of the new state of Kansas performance review form was discussed. Modifications based on employee suggestions were recommended which included adding a question on the position description in lieu of the PER-26; having the boxes expanded so that additional comments can be included; a description of the rating system, and using a weight system for the competencies and behaviors section. Training sessions for the new state form will be held this fall.
The committee's website, communications, copies of white papers, progress of the plan and announcement of the vote can be found online.