February 10, 2025
Support for students through case management
Student Support and Accountability and Housing and Dining Services offer case management services to K-State students. Case management is a solution-focused, non-clinical approach to assisting students with various needs.
Case managers focus on what students can accomplish to find success regardless of their previous circumstances. Helping students solve problems effectively by identifying solutions and developing skills to make progress is the backbone of case management. The primary goal of case management is to optimize the student's functioning by providing quality services in the most efficient and effective way to individuals with multiple complex needs. This might including helping the student schedule appointments with other offices, making a study schedule or to-do list of tasks, connecting with a community resource, discussing boundary setting with peers or decision making, or other simliar needs. Case management rests on a foundation of values, knowledge, theory and skills used to attain goals established with the student.
The case managers have offices in each of the residence hall living communities — Kramer and Derby. While their primary focus is serving students living in the residence halls, off-campus students can seek a referral to case management, too.
For those interested in learning more about case management, including information about the goals of the program and what students can expect when engaging with the program, please refer to the case management website.