October 2, 2014
Wildcats Forever Big 12 Friday Giveaway is tomorrow
The K-State Alumni Association is excited about everything in store for Wildcats Forever members this fall, including the first Big 12 Friday Giveaway from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Friday, Oct. 3. Members can receive a free travel coffee mug by showing up at any of the locations listed below while wearing their Wildcats Forever T-shirts.
- 9–10 a.m. in the quad
- 10–11 a.m. in Hale Library
- 11 a.m. to noon in the Leadership Studies Building
- Noon to 1 p.m. on Bosco Plaza
Every time a Wildcats Forever member receives a Big 12 Friday Giveaway, he or she also is entered into a drawing for a $1,000 scholarship. Two additional Big 12 Friday Giveaways will take place Oct. 24 and 31. Watch your email inbox for details, or follow Wildcats Forever on Twitter and like us on Facebook.
The largest student organization on campus, Wildcats Forever is an open-membership student alumni association for all Kansas State University students.
"Current K-State students are very important to the K-State Alumni Association," said Amanda Lee, assistant director of student programs for the alumni association. "Inviting students to become involved and engaged with the Alumni Association while they're still in school helps the association stay in touch with the needs of K-State students and better serve their needs during their college careers."
For only $20, members receive a T-shirt, a collectible glass and a membership card with discounts to several local businesses, including Call Hall Dairy Bar, Acme Gift, Colbert Hills and much more. There also are opportunities throughout the year to participate in events, contests and giveaways, ranging from snacks during finals week and pizza to K-State apparel and scholarships.
Sign up in the Marketplace section at https://signin.k-state.edu.
Additional information on Wildcats Forever is available online.