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K-State Today

May 13, 2016

Recent publications and presentations by English department faculty, students

Submitted by Karin Westman

During the past four months, faculty and students in the English department published the following 40 works:

Brennan Bestwick, graduate student, published "On Listening to The National's High Violet for the First Time" in Again I Wait for This to Pull Apart: A Poetry Mixtape. Oklahoma City: Freeze Ray Press, 2016, page 52. Bestwick also published:

Traci Brimhall, assistant professor, published the essay "Philematophilia" in the journal North American Review 301.1, Winter 2016, pages 5-7. Brimhall also published:

  • The essay "Murder Ballad in the Land of Nod" in the journal TriQuarterly 149, Winter/Spring 2016.
  • The essay "Murder Ballad in a Stellar Nursery" in the journal Seneca Review 45.2, pages 110-113.
  • The essay "10 Signs the Dead Are Visiting You" in the journal Mid-American Review 36.1, pages 106-109.
  • The essay "Losing to the Invisible: An Ars Poetica" in the journal Prairie Schooner 89.4, Winter 2015, pages 24-27.
  • The poem "Arctic Lullaby" in the journal New England Review 37.1, 2016, page 75.
  • The poems "After the Captain's Autopsy Reveals a Nautilus Where the Heart Should Be" and "The Somewhat True History of Puraquequara" in the journal Poetry Northwest 10.2, Winter/Spring 2016, pages 12-13.
  • The essay "Murder Ballad Awaiting Sentencing" in the journal Gulf Coast 28.2, 2016, pages 126-30.

Tim Dayton, professor, edited "Frank Lentricchia" for Contemporary Literary Criticism. Vol. 387. Lawrence J. Trudeau, general editor. Gale/Cengage, 2015, pages 1-69.

Elizabeth Dodd, university distinguished professor, published "Ontogeny Recapitulates Ontology: Review of Christopher Buckley's Back Room at the Philosophers' Club and Pattiann Rogers's Holy Heathen Rhapsody" for the journal Tar River Poetry 55.1, pages 57-61.

Dodd also published the nonfiction essay "Connectivity" for the journal Terrain 15 Mar. 2016. 

Gregory Eiselein, professor, published a review of "Sarah Way Sherman's Sacramental Shopping: Louisa May Alcott, Edith Wharton, and the Spirit of Modern Consumerism" for the journal Legacy: A Journal of American Women Writers 32.2, 2015, pages 323-25.

Eiselein also published "Louisa May Alcott, Patti Smith, and Punk Aesthetics" for Critical Insights: Louisa May Alcott, eds. Anne K. Phillips and Gregory Eiselein. Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2016, pages 221-36.

Anna Goins, Cheryl Rauh, Danielle Tarner and Daniel Von Holten, instructors, published "Workplace Writing: A Handbook for Common Workplace Genres and Professional Writing Strategies" for the journal New Prairie Press, 2016.

Katherine Karlin, associate professor, published the short story "Nearly Everybody Reads the Bulletin" for the journal The Kenyon Review 38.2, March-April 2016, pages 86-98.

Steven Kelly, instructor, published "Breaking the Dragon's Gaze: Commodity Fetishism in Tolkien's Middle-Earth" for the journal Mythlore 34.2, Spring/Summer 2016, pages 97-114.

Jim Machor, professor, published "Reception Theory" for the journal Vocabulary for the Study of Religion Vol. 3. Ed. Kocku van Stuckrad and Robert Segal. Boston: Brill, 2016, pages 201-206.

Philip Nel, university distinguished professor, and colleague Eric Reynolds edited Crockett Johnson's "Barnaby, Volume Three: 1946-1947." Introduction by Jeff Smith. Essays by Nathalie op de Beeck and Coulton Waugh. Biographical Essay and Notes by Philip Nel. Seattle, Washington: Fantagraphics Books, 2016.

Nel and Reynolds also edited Crockett Johnson's "Barnaby [en Français]." Postface and notes by Philip Nel. Translated by Harry Morgan. Actes Sud Editions, 2015.

Nel also published "Just a Shot Away" for Inside Higher Ed 12 April 2016.

Kara Northway, professor, with colleagues Pam Bromley and Eliana Schonberg, published "Transfer and Dispositions in Writing Centers: A Cross-Institutional, Mixed Methods Study" for the journal Across the Disciplines 13.1, April 2016. 

Anne Phillips, associate professor, published "James Fenimore Cooper's Literary Descendants: American History for 21st Century Adolescent Readers" for The James Fenimore Cooper Society Journal 26.2, 2015, pages 7-10.

Phillips and colleague Gregory Eiselein also edited Critical Insights: Louisa May Alcott. Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2016.

Phillips also published "On Louisa May Alcott: Questions on her Significance, Singularity, Sorority, and Staying Power" for Critical Insights: Louisa May Alcott, ed. Anne K. Phillips and Gregory Eiselein. Ipswich, Massachusetts: Salem Press, 2016. 3-17.

Phillips also published "Shoring Up The Birchbark House" for Frontiers in American Children's Literature. Ed. Dorothy Clark and Linda Salem. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Cambridge UP, 2016, pages 133-148.

Joe Sutliff Sanders, associate professor, published "'Blatantly Coming Back': The Arbitrary Line between Here and There, Child and Adult, Fantasy and Real, London and UnLondon" for China Miéville: Critical Essays. Ed. Caroline Edwards and Antonio Venezia. Canterbury: Gylphi, 2015, pages 119-138.

Adam Szetela, instructor, published the poem "Song of Woolly Monkeys" for the journal Time of Singing 42.3, Jan. 2016, page 41. Szetela also published:

  • The poem "Song of Nature and Age" for the journal The Dawntreader 33, Jan. 2016, page 20.
  • The poem "Song of Nature and Age" for the journal University of Kansas Center for Educational Testing and Evaluation, 2016, [n.p.].
  • "Beyoncé's 'Formation' and the Boutique Activism of the Left" for the journal "counterpunch" 5 May 2016.

Lisa Tatonetti, professor, published "Affect, Female Masculinity and the Embodied Space Between: Two-Spirit Traces in Thirza Cuthand's Experimental Film" in Sexual Rhetorics. Eds. Jonathan Alexander and Jacqueline Rhodes. New York: Routledge, 2016. 211-233.

Shirley Tung, assistant professor, published "'An Isthmus which Joins Two Great Continents': Johnson, Boswell, and the Character of the Travel Writer in An Account of Corsica" for the journal "The Age of Johnson: A Scholarly Annual" 23, December 2015, pages 21-31.

Karin Westman, associate professor, Naomi Wood, professor and colleague David Russell edited the journal "The Lion and the Unicorn" 39.3, 2015.

Wood also published a review of Christopher Parkes' Children's Literature and Capitalism: Fictions of Social Mobility in Britain, 1850-1914, 2012, for the journal Victorian Studies 57.4, 2015, pages 699-701.

Wood also published "Tracking Breadcrumbs," a review of Marina Warner's Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale, for the journal Papers in Language and Literature 52.1, Winter 2016, pages 103-07.

Han Yu, professor, published "Encoding Complex Data in Popular Science Genetics Illustrations" for the Information Design Journal 21.3, 2015, pages 189-206. 

Yu and colleague Melanie Flanders also published "Technical Communication Opportunities in China" for the journal Intercom 63.5, 2016, pages 25-27.

Yu also published "Teaching Cultural Heuristics through Narratives: A Transdisciplinary Approach" in the journal Teaching and Training for Global Engineering: Perspectives on Culture and Professional Communication Practices Ed. Kirk St. Amant and Madelyn Flammia. Piscataway, NJ: IEEE/Wiley, 2016, pages 219-238.

Faculty and students in the English department also presented the following 30 conference papers, invited talks and readings:

Maggie Borders, instructor, presented "'Nothing Can Do Anything To Me': An Exploration of Graphic Memoirs' Portrayal of Mental Illness" March 4 at the Mid-America American Studies Association Conference in Lawrence, Kansas. 

Tosha Sampson-Choma, assistant professor, presented "Echoes from the Diaspora: Reshaping 21st Century Black Identity in Americanah and We Need New Names" April 8 to the College Language Association in Houston, Texas.

Mark Crosby, assistant professor, presented "Prophets, Madmen, and Millenarians: Blake and the (Counter) Culture of the 1790s" via Skype April 7 at the Block Museum at Northwestern University. 

Steffi Dippold, assistant professor, presented "Mighty Oaks from Printers' Flowers Grow: The Wampanoag Bible and the Genealogy of a Green Atlantic Symbolism" Jan. 7 to the Modern Language Association in Austin, Texas. 

Tanya González, associate professor, presented "Virgins, Spitfires, & Latin Lovers: Latina/o Camp in Jane the Virgin" on April 2 at the Society for Cinema and Media Studies Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. 

Don Hedrick, professor, presented "Village Shakespeare" on April 2 to the Renaissance Society of America in Boston, Massachusetts. Hedrick also presented

  • "Actor Performance Wagers: A Sketch" March 25 at the Shakespeare Association of America Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana.
  • The invited talk "Green Prostitution: Shakespeare’s Amateur Sex Dream" May 3 at Hall Center at the University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas. 

Michele Janette, professor, presented "Algebra, Astronomy, and Parataxis: Lily Hoang's Parabola as Interdisciplinary Flanerie" March 22 at the Popular Culture Association Conference in Seattle, Washington.

Janette also presented "Roundtable: The Unusual Suspects: Emerging Voices and the Politics of Southeast Asian American Literature" and "Roundtable: The Great Third Coast: How Teaching in the Midwest and South Challenges Asian American Studies" April 29 at the Association of Asian American Studies Annual Conference in Miami, Florida. 

Mary Kohn, assistant professor, and Carly Stithem, graduate student, presented "H/O/me on the range: Back vowel fronting in Kansas" Jan. 7 at the ADS: American Dialect Society in Washington, D.C.

Kohn also presented the invited lecture "(De)Segregation: The Past and Future of African American English" Jan. 8 at the Center for Applied Linguistics Conference in Washington, D.C.

Kohn and Stithem also presented the invited talk "Kansas speaks…like California?" March 8 at the Oklahoma State University Friends of Oklahoma Language Sciences Conference in Stillwater, Oklahoma.

Kohn and student Trevin Garcia presented "Latino English in the Heartland" April 16 at SALSA XXIV: Symposium about Language and Society in Austin, Texas. 

Phillip Marzluf, associate professor, presented "Jokes, Wise Sayings, and Riddles: The Role of Tradition in Late Socialist Mongolia" April 1 at the Association for Asian American Studies Annual Conference in Seattle, Washington.

Nel served as chair and organizer of "Children's Literature Scholarship and Its Publics," a panel discussion featuring Julie Danielson, Marah Gubar, Don Tate and Ebony Thomas, Jan. 8 at the Modern Language Association Conference in Austin, Texas. 

Nel also co-presented with Nina Christensen "The Weird, the Wild, the Wonderful: A Cross-Cultural Look at Normality in Children's Literature" Jan. 9 at the Modern Language Association Conference in Austin, Texas. 

Nel also presented the invited talk "Crockett Johnson and Ruth Krauss: How an Unlikely Couple Found Love, Dodged the FBI, and Transformed Children's Literature" March 15 at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C.

Kara Northway, associate professor, presented "Heminges and Condell: Actors as Letter-Writers" as part of "Shakespeare in the Little Apple" Feb. 28 at the Beach Museum, Kansas State University, Manhattan, Kansas. 

Northway also presented "'Both in Reputation and Profit': Kinds of Capital in the Early Theatre" with John Astington March 24 at the Shakespeare Association of America in New Orleans, Louisiana. 

Robert Probst, instructor, presented ":) NO EMOJI :( :( :( : Defining the PC through Interaction with Fictional Consciousness in Life is Strange" Feb. 13 at the KU Film and Media Studies Graduate Symposium at the University of Kansas, in Lawrence, Kansas. 

Dylan Pyles, graduate student, presented "An Essential Unknown: Appropriation of the Western Philosophical Canon in Sun Ra's Poetry" April 9 at the Exploring Intersections Graduate Conference at the University of Iowa in Iowa City, Iowa. 

Rebecca Rowe, graduate student, presented "'But Mother, I'm a Man Now': Adapting Childhood in the Musical and Film Versions of Into the Woods" March 19 at the International Conference for the Fantastic in the Arts in Orlando, Florida. 

Shana Schmidt, graduate student, with Brittney Tyler-Milholland, M.A. '14, presented the roundtable discussion "Moving from Multilingual to Translingual in the Classroom" April 29 at the Cavalier Conference on Writing and Literature at Johnson County Community College.

Catherine Strayhall, presented the panel "Lessons from the Irises Original Poetry: Loss and Grief " March 5 at the Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Joe Sutliff Sanders, associate professor, presented "Making Students Fight Our Battles: Teaching the Conflicts and Overlaps Between Comics and Picture Books" Jan. 8 at the Modern Language Association in Austin, Texas. 

Szetela presented "Between Bodies and Capital: The Socio-Economic Origins of American Bodybuilding" March 5 at the Mid-America American Studies Association in Lawrence, Kansas. 

Jamie Teixeira, William Yeager and Dustin Vann presented "Transcending Home in Children's Literature" March 5 at the Sigma Tau Delta Convention in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

Tung presented "East Meets West in Elysium: Liminal Landscapes in Montagu's Letters from Turkey and Italy" Feb. 27 at the South Central Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies Annual Meeting in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. 

Yu presented "Comics and Pictographs: Reaching Publics through Unconventional Channels" April 6 at the Association of Teachers of Technical Writing Conference in Houston, Texas.