February 1, 2017
Career Center hosting information session for student career specialist position
Learn more about becoming a career specialist for the Career Center by attending an info session at 4 p.m. Wednesday, Feb. 1, in the Berney Family Welcome Center.
Attendance is required to apply for the position, but students interested in the position who cannot attend should contact Jared Meitler at jmeitler@k-state.edu.
The career specialist role is ideal for students who aspire to work in education, human resources, or other helping professions after graduation.
Career specialists are K-State students trained to work in a peer mentoring/counseling role to assist others in the career planning process. They guide high school students, college students and community members through career assessments and assist them in connecting career goals with academic programs at K-State.
All inquiries can be directed to Meitler at jmeitler@k-state.edu or 785-532-7494.