February 26, 2019
College of Arts and Sciences announces 2019 Sullivan Poetry Contest
The College of Arts and Sciences is hosting a poetry contest for the Sullivan Poetry Award. The contest is open to all K-State students and the winning poem will receive a $2,000 prize.
- Poems may be on any topic.
- Submit poems in a typed format.
- Each poem must have a title, even if "Untitled" is used.
- Each entrant may only submit one poem no longer than two pages.
- Author's name or identifying information must be provided with submission including eID and Wildcat ID number.
Please submit poems digitally to sullivanpoetry@k-state.edu with your poem as a Word document attachment. The deadline to submit is Friday, March 29.
To see previous winner and learn more, visit artsci.k-state.edu/sullivanpoetry.