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Our need for stability
Someone who responds to us as a Friend provides us with stability.

We like to know what to expect from day to day. Unusual or challenging circumstances might be enjoyable for brief periods. Even exciting times, though, need the balance of predictable stability. For example, in the midst of a wonderful vacation, we will probably begin wishing for what is familiar. Even the most adventurous among us eventually need a stable comfort: a comfortable bed and pillow, a bedtime snack from our refrigerator, the friendly greeting of neighbor kids, regular visits to a coffee shop, or watching favorite TV programs. Order has a comforting, calming, and reassuring effect. In contrast, instability and chaos provoke anxiety.

We actively seek a world in which we have a place. We need a stable stage on which the stories of our lives evolve. This yearning for permanence is fragile. We may want bedrock but sometimes find that we stand on shifting sand.

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