Brainstorm alternative responses
Brainstorming in this case is creative thinking about alternate actions to achieve short-term goals. Encourage others to brainstorm all the possible actions they could take that bring them closer to each of their short-term goals. For example, the widow might first call and then visit her lawyer. She might go to the library to read about the various legal issues of home ownership. She might also visit with a financial consultant. She might volunteer at a local hospital or start a support group.
Purpose and short-term goals are not actions. Actions bring about achievement of short-term goals and eventually fulfill a larger purpose.
As before, when you first explore possible actions, encourage Friends to avoid evaluation. Just create the longest list you can. There is no commitment to any short-term goal or action at this point. What we want here is creative energy not critical thinking. So be playful and inventive. Invite others, even children, to participate. Write the ideas down as you proceed.
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Brainstorm Alternative Responses |