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Go to Threshold
Go to Stabilization
You are at the Mobilize Phase
Go to Transformation
Go to The WonderWise Parent

91% completed


Form an action plan
Once the critical and rejection criteria are determined, Friends can evaluate each option to see whether it meets their minimum standards. They can rank the goals and their action steps, put the best responses into a time sequence and identify small steps to achieve success with the alternative response.

An action plan suggests the order and timing of the solution. We might involve Friends in sketching a list or diagram the sequence to help visualize the steps.

We string actions together in successive steps: take one, then another, then another, until we reach the goal. Instead of one giant leap, we take smaller steps that combine to achieve success. Reach enough short-term goals and we achieve our purpose. Successive steps bring the lofty purpose to earth. When we explore purpose and then short term goals, we should also encourage Friends to identify potential actions to take to achieve the goals. Never give advice or push to an instant solution. We are not experts on Friends’ lives.

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