I have received many emails over the years asking me to provide proof of completion of the FireWorks course. Because your involvement is completely anonymous, I am unable to do that. There is a solution, however.

Find someone locally acceptable to both you and the courts who will supervise your involvement in the course. This person should be someone who is willing to take the course with you or has already completed it. He or she might be a counselor, a member of the clergy, a teacher, a parent educator, or a social worker.

My suggestion is to meet weekly (at least six times) with this person until you finish the material. You could base such weekly discussions on your journal entries. When you have demonstrated that you read the material and completed the journal entries, your supervisor could provide written documentation to the courts on their letterhead. If this local professional would like an “official” certificate from me, he or she can contact me by email. I will send a blank certificate to your supervisor to sign and forward to the authorities.

If you read from your journal or allow the supervisor to read it, make sure he or she understands that what you wrote is confidential. What you wrote should not shared with others. If you take the course for college credit, I will provide proper certification if needed.

If you are a parent educator, teacher, or other professional

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