The journal consists of twenty-seven activities linked to the course content. You should download and print the journal before you begin the course. If you print it yourself, you should hole-punch and insert journal pages in a three-ring binder or have them spiral bound at a copy store (add blank pages in the back if you wish).
As you proceed through the course, you will be alerted to a Journal entry with this icon:
There is no teacher who will ask you to turn in this "homework." In the noncredit version of FireWorks, there are no grades for your work. Even so, keeping track of this information is something you can do for yourself. If you don't keep a journal record of your thoughts, your educational experience will not be as deep or as enduring.
You may think this extra work is not worth the trouble. You have to decide for yourself at this point how much you want to learn. I hope you give keeping a journal a try. It's for your eyes only.
Download the FireWorks Journal (will open a new window)
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