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Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Current Graduate Students

Ph.D. Students


Natalie Pegg

Natalie Pegg

Project: Movements, Space Use, and Vital Rates of Mourning Doves
Advisor: Dr. David Haukos
Expected Completion: 2026
Degree Seeking: Ph.D.
Education: B.S., Butler University; M.S., University of Florida
Research Interests: Population dynamics, wildlife management, species interactions, habitat selection, urban ecology

Natalie is currently working on a dissertation focused on the breeding ecology of mourning doves in Kansas. The goal of her project is to provide baseline data that can be used to examine local population trends. In addition to vital rates, she is interested in looking into the impacts of competition and disease on mourning doves across Kansas. Natalie is originally from St. Louis, Missouri, and she received a bachelor’s degree in biology and chemistry from Butler University. In 2022, she completed a master's degree in wildlife ecology and conservation at the University of Florida where she focused on the habitat selection of specialist birds in residential neighborhoods.


Elisabeth Teige

Elli Teige

Project: Understanding lesser prairie chicken-use of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) by assessing vegetation characteristics and demographic outcomes of the habitat provided by CRP throughout the species’ range
Advisor: Dr. David Haukos
Expected Completion: 2026
Degree Seeking: Ph.D.
Education: B.A., Minnesota State University-Moorhead; M.S., Kansas State University
Research Interests: Population dynamics, wildlife management, habitat selection, wildlife conservation, species landscape interactions, community ecology

Elisabeth is currently working on a dissertation focused on the impacts of CRP on lesser prairie-chickens throughout Kansas. The goal of her project is to inform management strategies that can be used to support populations. She is interested in looking into the impacts of current CRP management practices on lesser prairie-chicken populations and how CRP supports species conservation. Elisabeth is originally from Poplar, WI and she received a bachelor’s degree in biology with an emphasis in ecology and evolutionary biology from Minnesota State University-Moorhead. In 2021, she completed a master's degree in biology at Kansas State University where she focused on the demographics, space use, and habitat selection of translocated lesser prairie-chickens.


Caroline Skidmore

Caroline Skidmore

Project: Nest Site Selection and Survival of Wild Turkeys in Kansas
Advisor: Dr. David Haukos
Expected Completion: 2027
Degree Seeking: Ph.D.
Education: B.S., Kansas State University; M.S., Texas Tech University
Research Interests: Population dynamics, community ecology, avian ecology, pollinators

Caroline is pursuing a PhD in wildlife conservation, with her dissertation focusing on wild turkey nest success, productivity, and site selection in addition to hen survival. This project is funded by the Kansas Department of Wildlife and Parks and will aid in identifying management actions that may help reverse the current decline of wild turkeys in Kansas. Her previous experience includes working as a wildlife biologist for Fort Riley Military Reservation from 2020-2023, a M.S. thesis at Texas Tech University studying comparative nesting habitat of riparian raptors in the Chihuahuan Desert from 2018-2020, and a Bachelor of Biology from Kansas State University in 2017.


Sara Hansen

Project: Landscape ecology of wild turkeys in Kansas
Advisor: Dr. Dan Sullins
Expected Completion: 
Degree Seeking: Ph.D.
Research Interests: 


M.S. Students


Mary Ware

      Mary Ware

Project: Assessing roost site selection and impacts of land management on wild turkeys
Advisors: Dr. Dan Sullins and Dr. David Haukos
Expected Completion: 2026
Degree Seeking: M.S.
Education: B.A., Hastings College
Research Interests: Everything  

      Mary is originally from Michigan, but received          her undergraduate degree in Wildlife Biology          from Hastings College in Nebraska. She is              currently working on a cooperative project on          Wild Turkeys across Kansas. The focus of her research is on wild turkey response to habitat management, use and availability of roost trees, and female response to hunting pressure.

Photo credit: Dr. Nellie Hill-Sullins


  Cassidy Lathrom

Project: Density, diversity, and relative abundance of bees on Fort Riley Military Installation
Advisor: Dr. David Haukos
Expected Completion:
Degree Seeking: M.S.
Research Interests:



Katryn Stafford

Project: Influence of emergency haying and grazing on lesser prairie-chicken habitat in CRP fields
Expected Completion:
Degree Seeking: M.S.
Research Interests:



Kaitlyn Lospinoso

Project: Wild Turkey Population Demography and Ecology in Kansas
Expected Completion: 
Degree Seeking: M.S.
Research Interests: 



Shelby Kuck

Project: Guiding Present and Future Native Fish Restoration Using a Strategic Planning Process, Literature Synthesis, Database
Analysis, Field Protocol Development/Testing, and Adaptive Management

Advisor: Dr. Martha Mather
Expected Completion: 
Degree Seeking: M.S.
Research Interests: