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Kansas Cooperative Fish and Wildlife Research Unit

Martha Mather's Presentations

Technical Presentations Since 1996 > 70 presentations (< 1996, 30 presentations)


Mather, M. E., D. Shoup. Q. Phelps. 2018. Placing gear evaluation and standardization in a broader context that advances science-based fisheries management. Invited presentation, Symposium, Midwest Fish and Wildlife Meeting, Milwaukee, WI, January 2018

Nifong, J., M. E. Mather, S. Hitchman, J, Smith. 2018. Integrating spatial patterns into future conservation, restoration, and management programs. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Manhattan, KS.

Mather, M. E., J. M. Dettmers, D. L. Parrish, R. A. State, and E. A. Marschall. 2018. A portfolio of integrated monitoring and research can advance successful science-based conservation and fisheries management. Invited Presentation (Symposium: Fisheries Successes), Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Atlantic City, NJ.

Mather, M. E. 2018. Implicit gender bias limits workplace diversity in the scientific profession: evidence, consequences, and remedies.


Austin E., R. L. Mapes, and M. E. Mather. 2017. It's a fish eat fish world—or is it? Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS (Poster).

Grill, J., R. Taylor, and M. Mather. 2017. Where and how predators feed: migratory striped bass can provide general insights into sportfish foraging. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, Kansas (Poster).

Earl, A., R. L. Mapes, M. E. Mather. 2017. It's a fish eat fish world – or is it? Kansas Natural Resource Conference (Poster).

Grill, J., R. Taylor, M. Mather. 2017. Where and how predators feed: migratory striped bass can provide general insights into sportfish foraging. Kansas Natural Resource Conference (Poster).

Lehrter, R. and M. E. Mather. 2017. Geographic region, land use, flow, and discontinuities influence fish biodiversity across regions in a Great Plains watershed. Kansas Natural Resource Conference (Poster).

Taylor, R. B., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, and K. M. Gerber: 2017. Site fidelity: literature, theory, and tests. Ecological Society of America, Portland, OR

Mather, M. E., J. M. Smith, K. Gerber, R. Taylor. 2017. Resmo: Patterns in residence and movement across sites can provide novel insights into field distribution of mobile consumers in pelagic ecosystems. Invited Paper, Symposium, American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL

Mather, M. E., and R. Lehrter. 2017. Fish biodiversity as an interdisciplinary link for sustainability. American Fisheries Society, Tampa, FL


Mather, M. E., J. M. Smith, C. G. Kennedy, K. M. Gerber, and R. B. Taylor. 2016. Mobile organisms in the 'scape': patterns, consequences, and challenges. Presentation part of the symposium entitled "Fish Research and Conservation in the 'Scapes: Needs, Progress, Challenges and Opportunities." American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Kansas City, MO.


Gerber, K. M. and M. E. Mather. 2015. A high retention methodology for surgically implanting telemetry tags in catfish. Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS.

Gerber, K. M., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, and Z. Peterson. 2015. Distribution patterns of individual fish predators in a Midwestern reservoir. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Indianapolis, IN.

Fencl J. S., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, and S. M. Hitchman. 2015. Quantifying river fragmentation: impacts of low-head dams on geomorphology and fish biodiversity in the Neosho River, Kansas. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Indianapolis, IN.

Mapes. R. M., and M. E. Mather. 2015. Using the land mosaic concept to test how habitat heterogeneity alters the distribution of young-of-year largemouth bass in a Great Plains reservoir. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Indianapolis, IN.

Taylor, R., M. E. Mather, C. G. Kennedy, J. M. Smith, K. M. Gerber. 2015. Confluence network dynamics can create a spatial mosaic of predator interactions. Poster, Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD.

Mather, M. E., R. Taylor, C. G. Kennedy, J. M. Smith, L. A. Deegan, J. T. Finn, K. M. Gerber. 2015. Trade-offs between site fidelity and local dispersal create heterogeneity in consumer-mediated habitat linkages in a disturbed seascape. Ecological Society of America, Baltimore, MD. (Symposium speaker and organizer).

Mapes, R., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, S. M. Hitchman, A. Earl, J. Romine. 2015. Is all heterogeneity created equal?; how types of habitat heterogeneity differentially alter distribution, abundance, and diets of age-0 largemouth bass. American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.

Hitchman, S.,M., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith and J. S. Fencl. 2015. Are riffles keystone habitats in a low-gradient prairie stream?; implications for riverscape ecology and stream conservation. American Fisheries Society, Portland, OR.


Fencl, J. S., K. H. Costigan, M. E. Mather, S. M. Hitchman. 2014. How long is a dam footprint?: Applying methodology that quantifies the geomorphic extent of low-head dams in the Neosho River basin, KS. Poster, Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS.

Hitchman, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. M Smith, and J. S. Fencl. 2014. Do Fragstats sink or swim?; calculating metrics of heterogeneity for aquatic macrohabitat within the Neosho River, KS. Poster, Kansas Natural Resource Conference, Wichita, KS.

Fencl. J. S., M. E. Mather, S. M. Hitchman, and J. M. Smith, 2014. Quantifying impacts of river fragmentation: how low-head dams alter geomorphology, fish biodiversity, and habitat in the Neosho River, Kansas. American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec.

Hitchman, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith and J. S. Fencl. 2014. Does heterogeneity in habitat type, size, and arrangement influence patterns of fish biodiversity in the Neosho River, Kansas? American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec.

Gerber, K. M., M. E. Mather, J.M. Smith, and Z. Peterson. 2014. Patterns of variability in the distribution and movement of individual fish predators in a heterogeneous aquatic ecosystem. American Fisheries Society, Quebec City, Quebec.

Peterson, Z., M. E. Mather, K. M., and J. M. Smith. 2014. Blue catfish-habitat relationships: what do we know? American Fisheries Society Annual Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec.


Quist, M. C., M. E. Mather, D. L. Parrish, S. R. Chipps, T. J. Kwak, and C. P. Paukert. 2013. The voices of reality: why effective fisheries education is challenging and practical ways to move forward. American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR.

Essig, R., C. Bonds, R. DeBruyne, T. Hartley, M. Kaemingk, M. E. Mather, S. McMullin, C. Myrick, Q. Phelps, and T. Sutton. 2013. AFS special committee on educational requirements: What the society is doing to help fisheries students find work. American Fisheries Society, Little Rock, AR.

Mather, M. E. 2013. How movement alters ecological patterns and processes. Symposium Organizer, Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation, San Diego, CA.


Mather, M. E., R. M. Muth, and H. J. Frank. 2012. Using the adopt-a-fish program to get stakeholders hooked on conservation. North American Congress for Conservation Biology, Symposium, Oakland, CA.

Finn, J. T., M. E. Mather, M. Burak, and J. Kim. 2012. Evaluating statistical models for data sets with many zeros: an example using alewife. Ecological Society of America Meeting, Portland, OR.

Gerber, K. M., M. E. Mather, Z. Peterson, J. M. Smith, J. Reinke, J. Goeckler. 2012. Where are those $$#@@ fish?; Distribution and movement of a top predator (Blue Catfish) in a large, highly-variable Midwestern reservoir. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Wichita, KS.

Peterson, Z., M. E. Mather, and J. M. Smith. 2012. Quantifying spatially-explicit patterns in a large reservoir: an approach for determining associations between a top fish predator and physical habitat. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Wichita, KS.

Smith, J. M., M. E. Mather, J. S. Fencl, and S, M. Hitchman. 2012. Stopping biodiversity loss: An evaluation of metrics that quantify the composition of fish communities in aquatic ecosystems. North Central Division, American Fisheries Society, Wichita, KS.

Mather, M. E. 2012. Spatial patterns of striped bass. All Scientists Meeting, Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Site, Woods Hole, MA.


Kennedy, C. G., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan. 2011. The geomorphic complexity of a New England estuary and its role in shaping seasonal habitat use and site fidelity of striped bass on a foraging migration. Annual meeting of the American Fisheries Society, Seattle, WA

Mather. M. E., J.M. Smith, J. Gerken, J. Patterson. 2011. Can animal movement change the outcome of ecological interactions in a grassland ecosystem? Poster. Grasslands in an International Context Symposium, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS.

Kennedy, C. G., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan. 2011. The complexity of habitat complexity: how physical features of a New England estuary shape seasonal habitat use of migratory striped bass. CERF Meeting, FL


Kennedy, C. G. M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan, and S. M. Pautzke. 2010. Determining acoustic receiver range in a shallow northeastern estuary with complex bathymetry: the role of habitat, depth and tide. Southern New England Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Groton, CT, January 2010.

Cormier, R., H. J, Frank, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, J. M. Smith, J. T. Finn. 2010. Relationship between movements of anadromous alewives and large- and small-scale habitat features. Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010.

Burak, M. K., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, J. B. Kim, and R. M. Muth. 2010. Identification of the timing and magnitude of anadromous alewife spawning migrations in three coastal Massachusetts rivers. Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010.

Mather, M. E., M. K. Burak, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, J. B. Kim, K. H. Ferry. 2010. Counting anadromous fish at remote fishways in small coastal streams: a review of past uses of video monitoring with an evaluation of a new system. Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010.

Wells, S. P., J. M. Smith, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, and J. T. Finn. 2010. An approach to evaluating the combination of gear that representatively samples fish assemblages in small coastal streams. Northeastern Division American Fisheries Society, Newton, MA, April 2010.

Mather, M. E., E.A. Marschall*, and D.L. Parrish. Predicting interactive effects of climate change and dams on success of downstream-migrating salmon. Fish and Climate Change, The Fisheries Society of the British Isles Annual Symposium, Belfast, UK, 26-30 July 2010. *Presenter

Smith, J. M., M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth and J. T. Finn. 2010. Beaver-dam alterations of fish assemblages in coastal watersheds: Implications of fragmentation on ecosystem function. National meeting, Ecological Society of America, Pittsburgh, August 2010.

Frank, H. J. M. E. Mather, S. M. Pautzke, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2010 Encouraging stakeholder participation in restoration research: The adopt-a-herring program. Invited Presentation Restoration of American Shad and River Herring in Atlantic Coastal Waters, Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010

Mather, M. E., H. J. Frank, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2010. Understanding the role of origin and release location in behavior and habitat use of pre-spawning alewives to improve the efficiency of restoration. Invited Presentation Restoration of American Shad and River Herring in Atlantic Coastal Waters, Annual Meeting, American Fisheries Society, Pittsburgh, PA, September 2010

Mather, M. E. 2011. Migratory fish in estuarine landscapes: can anadromous fish provide a general ecological framework for understanding distribution, habitat use, and movement? North American Benthological Society, Providence, RI, May 2010.


Mather, M. E. 2009. On the move: anadromous fish, human impacts, stakeholders. 2 University of Alaska Seminars. January 2009, Fairbanks and Juneau, AK.

Mather, M. E., E. A. Marschall, D. L. Parrish, G. Allison, J. McMenemy. 2009. River discharge, temperature, dams, and the timing of downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts: a modeling approach. Connecticut River Atlantic Salmon Research Forum, USFWS, Hadley, MA, February 2009 (Cooperator –organized)

Mather, M. E. and R. M. Muth. 2009. Tracking interactions between anadromous fish and humans in plum island estuary. Invited Presentation to Trustees of Reservations, Crane Castle, Ipswich, MA, February 2009.

Frank, H. J., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2009. Understanding prespawning behavior of individual anadromous alewives in order to interpret distributional patterns: using tagging to improve the efficiency of coastal watershed restoration. International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES). Berlin Germany, September 2009.

Smith, J. S., and M. E. Mather. 2009. Integrating hydrology, anthropogenic impacts, and biotic measures of ecosystem function to protect ecosystems from flow stress. Invited Poster 1st ESA Millennium Conference, "Water-Ecosystem Services, Drought, and Environmental Justice," Athens, GA., November 2009.

Burak, M. B., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, and J. B. Kim. 2009. Linking anadromous river herring migrations to ecosystem function. Coastal and Estuarine Research Foundation, Portland, OR, November 2009.


Mather, M. E., J. T. Finn, R.M. Muth. 2008. Overview of fish research in PIE. Invited presentation to All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA.

Frank, H. J., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, J. T. Finn, and R. M. Muth. 2008. Improving strategies for coastal river restoration: Tracking anadromous river herring in a coastal Massachusetts stream. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, WI, August 2008.

Burak, M. K., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, J. Kim, and R. M. Muth. 2008. Applying video technology to improve the accuracy of biological data collection for monitoring anadromous river herring: Challenges and opportunities. Poster. Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of America, Milwaukee, WI, August 2008.


Frank, H. J., M. E. Mather, J. M. Smith, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, K. F. Ferry. 2007. Examining spawning behavior and habitat use of stocked river herring: a preliminary analysis of restoration efforts using radiotelemetry.Southern New England Chapter, American Fisheries Society, Winter Meeting, CT.

Smith, J. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn. 2007. A roadmap for statistically evaluating fish-flow relationships using real world data. Symposium. Northeastern American Fisheries Society Meeting, Mystic, CT.

Mather, M. E., J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth. 2007. Overview of fish research in PIE. All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA.

Marschall, E. A., M. E. Mather, D. L. Parrish, G. A. Allison. 2007. River discharge, river temperature, dams, and the timing of downstream migration of Atlantic salmon smolts: a modeling approach. Symposium, American Fisheries Society, San Francisco, CA.

Pautzke, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, and L. A. Deegan. 2007. Habitat use, behaviors, and movements of migratory striped bass during summer residence in Massachusetts. Symposium Presentation, Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, RI, November 2007

Mather, M. E., R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn, and R. R. Zwick. 2007. Integrating objective scientific information on biophysical conditions into river-herring restoration decisions in the Ipswich River. Symposium. Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, RI, November 2007

Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, and R. R. Zwick. 2007. Integrating socioeconomic and institutional considerations into coastal restoration decisions. Symposium. Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, RI, November 2007

Finn J. T, M. E. Mather, R. M. Muth, J. M. Smith, R. R. Zwick. 2007. Putting it all together: interdisciplinary integration through agent-based modeling. Symposium. Annual Meeting, Estuarine Research Foundation, Providence, RI, November 2007.


Mather, M. E., J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, K. H. Ferry, H. Frank, J. M. Smith. 2006. Stopping the bleeding: a case study for managing estuarine fish in the face of multiple adverse human impacts. Invited Symposium: Death by a Thousand Cuts: Cumulative Impacts of Human Activities in Estuarine Environments. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY, September, 2006

Mather, M. E., J. T. Finn, R.M. Muth. 2006. Overview of fish research in PIE. All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA.

Ferry, K. F., J. M. Smith, M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth. 2006. In search of "the right side of the tracks:" identifying desirable habitat for river herring restoration. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY, September, 2006

Pautzke, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan, R. M. Muth. 2006. Spatially defining predator impacts on estuarine food webs: assessing striped bass movements via acoustic tracking. American Fisheries Society, Lake Placid, NY, September, 2006

Mather, M. E. , K. H. Ferry, B. J. Jessen, J. M. Smith, R. M. Muth, J. T. Finn. 2006. Update of Ipswich river herring stocking. Ipswich River Watershed Association 20th Anniversary Meeting.

Pautzke, S. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan, R. M. Muth. 2006. Spatially defining predator impacts on estuarine food webs: assessing striped bass movements via acoustic tracking. Poster, Long Term Ecological Research Site Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO, September, 2006

Smith, J. M., M. E. Mather, J. T. Finn, R. M. Muth, H. J. Frank. 2006. Re-establishing river herring (Alosa aestivalis, A. pseudoharengus) in the Ipswich River, MA. Poster, Long Term Ecological Research Site Annual Meeting, Estes Park, CO, September, 2006


Smith, J. M., M. E. Mather, T. Richards, D. Armstrong, M. Kearns, A. Bowden. 2005 Effectiveness of indices of biotic integrity for diagnosing stream health: implications for managing flow stress in Massachusetts watersheds. Integrated Restoration of Riverine Wetlands, Streams, Riparian Areas, and Floodplains in Watershed Contexts, Nov 15-16, UMass Amherst.

Mather, M. E., J. Finn, R. M. Muth, L. A. Deegan, K. H. Ferry, S. M. Pautzke. 2005. Can top fish predators influence estuary food webs? Water to water symposium, New England Estuarine Research Society, May, 2005.

Muth, R. M., and M. E. Mather. 2005. An approach to understanding estuarine and coastal watershed conflicts. Water To Water Symposium, New England Estuarine Research Society, May, 2005.

Mather, M. E., J. T. Finn, L. A. Deegan, R. M. Muth, S. M. Pautzke, K. H. Ferry. 2005. Defining the spatial and temporal scale of predator impact on estuary food webs: assessing striped bass movements with acoustic tracking. All Scientists meeting, Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research, Woods Hold, May, 2005.

Mather, M. E., T. Richards, D. Armstrong, A. Bowden, M. Kearns, J. Smith. 2005. Fish communities as bio-indicators of river system alteration in Massachusetts, American Society of Wetlands, Amherst, MA, November, 2006.

Mather, M. E., J. Dettmers, D. L. Parrish. 2005. Navigating the changing landscape of fisheries publications: setting a course, avoiding some rocks, and facilitating the rescue, American Fisheries Society, Anchorage AK, Symposium.


Mather, M. E. 2004. Flowing water ecosystems: a larger view of watershed management. Stream Force Task Force, Northboro, MA.

Mather, M. E. 2004. Striped bass potential for prey control in coastal ecosystems (SPICE). Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Site All Scientists Meeting, Woods Hole, MA.


Ferry, K. H., and M. E. Mather. 2003. Factors driving distribution of migratory striped bass across Massachusetts estuaries: predator prey interactions and implications for multispecies management. Contributed paper, Southern New England Chapter American Fisheries Society and New England Estuarine Research Society Joint Summer Meeting.

Mather, M. E. and K. H. Ferry. 2003. Nowhere to swim, nowhere to hide consequences of striped bass predation for estuarine prey. Contributed paper, Southern New England Chapter American Fisheries Society and New England Estuarine Research Society Joint Summer Meeting.

Mather, M. E., M. P. Carey, A. Norris. 2003. Freshwater fish ecological research at Cape Cod National Seashore.

Mather, M. E. 2003. Using basic ecology to address applied fish management questions: examples from striped bass, river herring, Atlantic salmon, and other systems. Invited seminar, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth, MA.

Mather, M. E. 2003. What is the role of striped bass predators in structuring the higher trophic levels of estuary ecosystems. Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Site All Scientists Meeting, Woods Hole, MA.

Mather, M. E., 2003. Where are the fish?: some observations on why fish are distributed the way they are. Massachusetts Division of Marine Fisheries Seminar Series, July 2003, Gloucester, MA.

Mather, M. E., C. A. Campbell, and J. McMenemy. 2003. Scope of temperature variation in the Connecticut River and implications for juvenile Atlantic Salmon survival and growth. American Fisheries Society Meeting, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada.

Muth, R. M., and M. E. Mather. 2003. Causes underlying human-animal conflicts in urbanized society. Nashua Watershed Association.


Muth, R. M., J. Organ, M. E. Mather, R. R. Zwick. 2002. The changing guard: upcoming changes in the age structure of conservation biologists. Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Portland, ME.

Muth, R. M., J. Organ, R. R. Zwick, and M. E. Mather. 2002. Conservation policy and management for the future: assessing the attitudes and values of conservation biologists. Annual Meeting, Society of Conservation Biologists, Canterbury, England.

Ferry, K. H., and M. E. Mather. 2002. Nowhere to swim to, nowhere to hide: consequences of striped bass predation for estuarine prey. Contributed Paper, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Campbell, C. A., and M. E. Mather. 2002. Patterns of Atlantic salmon size and growth in the Connecticut River related to temperature and density. Contributed Paper, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, R. R. Zwick, and J. Organ. 2002. Fisheries management for the future: assessing the attitudes and values of conservation professionals. Contributed Paper, American Fisheries Society Meeting, Baltimore, MD.

Muth, R. M., J. Organ, R. R. Zwick, and M. E. Mather. 2002. Wildlife management for the future: assessing the attitudes and values of wildlife Biologists. Annual Meeting of the Wildlife Society, Bismarck, ND.


Ferry, K. H, and M. E. Mather. 2001. Mechanisms for habitat selection and consequences of growth variation for striped bass. Contributed paper, Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ.

Carey, M. P., and M. E. Mather. 2001. Evaluating patterns and processes of community structure across gradients: the roles of yellow perch. Contributed paper, Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ.

Campbell, C. A., and M. E. Mather. 2001. Across year variability in size of juvenile Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River: Insights for restoration. Contributed paper, annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Phoenix, AZ.

Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, R. R. Zwick, S. P. Andrews, 2001. Fishing for peace of mind: subsistence and recreational motivations of urban anglers in coastal Massachusetts. Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.

Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, J. Organ, R. R. Zwick. 2001. Conservation policy and management for the future: Assessing gender differences among conservation professionals. Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Conference, Saratoga Springs, NY.


Mather, M. E., C. A. Campbell, and J. McMenemy. 2000. Across year variability in patterns of density, survival, size, and growth of juvenile Atlantic salmon in the Connecticut River: insights for restoration. Invited poster. International Fish Biology Congress. Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ferry, K. H., and M. E. Mather. 2000. A travel guide for migratory striped bass vacationing in Massachusetts estuaries: evaluating heterogeneity in diet, growth potential, and feeding opportunities. Contributed paper, Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, MO.

Carey, M. P and M. E. Mather. 2000. Relationships between fish assemblage patterns and environmental and biological variables: predicting fish assemblage structure. Contributed paper, Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, St. Louis, MO.

Ferry, K. H., and M. E. Mather. 2000. A travel guide for migratory striped bass vacationing in Massachusetts estuaries: evaluating heterogeneity in diet, growth potential, and feeding opportunities. Poster, Long Term Ecological Research Program, Ecological Society of America, Snowbird, Utah.

Mather, M. E., and K. H. Ferry. 2000. Migratory striped bass inhabiting Massachusetts estuaries: evaluating heterogeneity in diet, growth potential, and feeding opportunities. Striped Bass Working Group, Baltimore, MD.

Mather, M. E., and K. H. Ferry. 2000. Across estuary heterogeneity in striped bass distribution and diet: relative status of the Plum Island Sound estuaries compared to other Massachusetts estuaries. All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA.


Mather, M. E., and K. H. Ferry. 1999. Across estuary heterogeneity in striped bass distribution and diet: relative status of the Plum Island Sound estuaries compared to other Massachusetts estuaries. Invited presentation to All Scientists Meeting; Plum Island Long Term Ecological Research Project, Woods Hole, MA.

Mather, M. E., R. M. Muth, J. J. Daigle, and J. F. Organ. 1999. Angling for consensus: attitudes and values of conservation professionals towards fisheries management and harvest practices. Plenary session, Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Meeting, Manchester, NH.

Muth, R. M., M. E. Mather, J. J. Daigle, and J. F. Organ. 1999. Stalking a middle ground: attitudes and values of conservation professionals towards wildlife management and hunting harvest practices. Plenary session, Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Meeting, Manchester, NH.

Organ, J. F., R.M. Muth, M. E. Mather, J. J. Daigle. 1999. Snaring compromise: attitudes and values of conservation professionals towards wildlife management and trapping harvest practices. Plenary session, Northeastern Fish and Wildlife Meeting, Manchester, NH

Ferry, K. H., M. E. Mather, and J. T. Finn. 1999. Influence of abiotic and biotic variability on within-river patch selection of striped bass along the Massachusetts coast. Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Charlotte, NC.

Mather, M. E., K. H. Ferry, and John T. Finn. 1999. Examining habitat choice and foraging behavior in migratory striped bass in two northeastern estuaries Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Charlotte, NC.


Mather, M. E., D. L. Parrish, and C. L. Folt. 1998. Integrating across scales: applying science for the successful conservation of Atlantic salmon. Invited presentation in the symposium entitled "Beyond declines: adding to science for conservation." Ecological and Evolutionary Ethology of Fishes, Seattle, WA.


Yako, L. A., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 1997. The role of anadromous herring in the production of trophic largemouth bass in southeastern Massachusetts. Northeastern Division, American Fisheries Society, Framingham, MA

Vanni, M. J., D. L. Arnott, A. S. Flecker, P. M. Harrish, J. L. Headworth, M. E. Mather, and M. H. Schaus. 1997. Interspecific differences among freshwater animals in nitrogen and phosphorus recycling. Annual meeting, Ecological Society of America, Albuquerque, NM.

Campbell, C. A., and M. E. Mather. 1997. Assessing large scale patterns of juvenile Atlantic salmon density, survival, and growth in the Connecticut River using GIS. Annual meeting, American Fisheries Society, Monterey, CA.


Mather, M. E., and J. Kosa. 1996. A multivariate assessment of the relative importance of select abiotic and biotic factors on the relative abundance of juvenile river herring, Alosa pseudoharengus and A aestivalis, in coastal Massachusetts streams. Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI.

Nitschke, P. C., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 1996. Assessing factors that influence cunner, Tautogolabrus adspersus recruitment in Cape Cod Bay, Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI

Yako, L. A., M. E. Mather, and F. Juanes. 1996. Go or grow: an examination of factors that influence juvenile river herring migration. Ecological Society of America, Providence, RI