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K-State Today

May 2014

Thursday, May 29, 2014

College of Human Ecology offers nation's first graduate certificate in financial therapy
The nation's first graduate certificate in financial therapy, offered by Kansas State University, provides graduate-level educational training to both financial and mental health professionals who want to improve clients' financial health by integrating relational, behavioral, cognitive and emotional elements with personal finance.

Alumna's gift supports K-State Proud Student Opportunity Awards
Kansas State University alumna Mary Vanier's $550,000 gift will support the K-State Proud Student Opportunity Awards fund.

College of Arts & Sciences selects Kimathi Choma as interim assistant dean for diversity, recruitment and retention
Kimathi Choma will serve as the interim assistant dean for diversity, recruitment and retention College of Arts & Sciences.

A continental chord: University choir members perform in France
Normandy, Paris and the Notre Dame Cathedral were just some of the places where Kansas State University choir members performed on a recent trip to France.

APDesign honors top projects by graduating architecture students
The architecture program at Kansas State University's College of Architecture, Planning & Design, or APDesign, has awarded its top student honors for design work.


Wednesday, May 28, 2014

College of Education recognizes seven graduates for outstanding work
Seven new graduates of Kansas State University's College of Education are being recognized for their outstanding scholarship and leadership or for their potential as future teachers.

K-State Salina offers summer programs for kindergartners to eighth-graders
Kansas State University Salina's Discover Programs let kids explore aviation, engineering technology and more this summer.

Tuesday, May 27, 2014

K-State Salina digital media students earn top places in design contest
Kansas State University Salina digital media technology students Ben Crabtree and Khaled Abduljabbar, won the top spots in the engineering technology category of the Engineering Education Service Center's poster contest.

New Beach Museum exhibition a treat for the senses
The newest exhibition at Kansas State University's Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art is a treat for the senses. "Igniting the Senses: Selections from the Permanent Collection" explores the science of multimodal sensory perception — the experience of one sense igniting another. It opens June 6.



Friday, May 23, 2014 

Cheryl Johnson named Kansas State University's vice president for human capital
Following a national search, Kansas State University has named Cheryl Johnson, a highly experienced global human resources expert, as its first ever vice president for human capital.

K-State Salina Flight Team wins Loening Trophy at nationals, places 13th overall

The Kansas State University Salina Flight Team is the recipient of the Loening Trophy, which is given to the most outstanding all-around aviation program in the country.

K-State Libraries award Morse Scholarship to student from Soldier
A Kansas State University student from Solider will use the Marjorie J. and Richard L.D. Morse Family and Community Public Policy Scholarship from K-State Libraries to support his work in rural Kansas during an internship with Community CORE.

Thursday, May 22, 2014 

Researchers develop composting program with used coffee grounds
An interdisciplinary Kansas State University research group is taking used coffee grounds from a campus coffee shop and using them as compost to cultivate gourmet mushrooms at the K-State Student Farm.

Nix the ticks: Expert has tips on how to protect yourself from summer pest
A Kansas State University tick expert says you could be exposed to a tick a minute this summer. He gives advice on how to protect yourself from ticks.

Doctoral students selected to attend Lindau Nobel Laureates meeting
Melissa Lynes, doctoral student in agricultural economics, Manhattan, and Hedieh Shadmani, doctoral student in economics, Iran, have been invited to attend the 5th Lindau Meeting of the Laureates of the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences.

Grilling tips so you don't get E. coli
K-State Olathe food safety specialist advises on how to give your holiday guests some tasty food, without food poisoning.

Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship names Chad Jackson as its new director
Kansas State University's Center for the Advancement of Entrepreneurship in the College of Business Administration has a new director. Chad Jackson has been with the center since its inception in 2008.

Wednesday, May 21, 2014 

Researchers find equine nasal strip reduces lung damage, may improve performance
As debate continues on the decision to allow California Chrome to wear a nasal strip in the Belmont Stakes, Kansas State University College of Veterinary Medicine researchers who tested the product say the focus should be on the nasal strip's health benefits and not on possible performance enhancement.

Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art honoring military families with summer discounts
The Marianna Kistler Beach Museum of Art at Kansas State University is one of more than 2,000 Blue Star Museums across the United States offering free admission to military personnel and their families from Memorial Day through Labor Day.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014 

Agricultural economist breaks down record high meat prices
If you're cooking out this Memorial Weekend, plan on spending some extra money for your food, says a Kansas State University agricultural economist.

National Strategic Selling Institute remains one of the nation's top sales programs
For the third consecutive year, the National Strategic Selling Institute at Kansas State University's College of Business Administration has been named one of the top sales programs in the country by the Sales Education Foundation.

Friday, May 16, 2014 

Doctoral student receives Department of Defense fellowship
Adam Summers, graduate student in physics, Lenexa, has been awarded a National Defense Science and Engineering Fellowship.

Alumna's final gift supports Kansas State University business students
Students in business at Kansas State University will benefit from endowed scholarships from the estate of Kansas State University alumna Elnita Jezek.

Thursday, May 15, 2014 

Distance student completes degree through Hurricane Sandy's aftermath
For Timothy Cox, Old Bridge, New Jersey, graduating with a 4.0 GPA is proof that determination and support from family and a university can bring academic success through even the most challenging situations.

University's Kirmser awards recognize exceptional undergraduate scholarship
Gun control, children's literature and attorney credibility are just some of the topics that earned Kansas State University students the first Kirmser Undergraduate Research Awards. The winners were recognized at a May 7 ceremony at Hale Library.

Two College of Business Administration students receive scholarships from supply chain management group
Two students in the College of Business Administration at Kansas State University are receiving scholarships from the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals K.C.-Heartland Roundtable.

Student from Scott City earns Outstanding Student Leadership Award from Lafene Health Center
Service and leadership to a peer education health program at Kansas State University's Lafene Health Center is earning a student from Scott City a special honor.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014 

College of Business Administration puts undergraduate research on display
The Kansas State University College of Business Administration recently hosted its Undergraduate Research Symposium, highlighting 15 research proposals and two completed projects.

University business, engineering students earn SHIELD Scholarships from Phillips 66
Phillips 66 and Kansas State University have selected the new SHIELD Scholars for the 2014-2015 academic year.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014 

Three faculty members named university distinguished professors
Kansas State University has named three faculty members as the newest university distinguished professors. The distinction is a lifetime title and the highest honor the university bestows on its faculty.

Veterinarian cautions pet owners of disease affecting both pets and humans
Due to recent storms and flooding, a Kansas State University veterinarian is warning of a disease that spreads through water to both dogs and people.

K-State Salina teams up with Price Induction to develop new curriculum around jet engine simulator

Eighteen students have been named outstanding graduating seniors in the College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University. They were selected by their professors for their academic achievement, professional potential, leadership, participation and service.

College of Human Ecology names 18 outstanding graduating seniors
Eighteen students have been named outstanding graduating seniors in the College of Human Ecology at Kansas State University. They were selected by their professors for their academic achievement, professional potential, leadership, participation and service.

Frankfort student earns College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior Award
Rebecca Kohman, senior in accounting with a minor in economics, Frankfort, is the College of Business Administration's Outstanding Senior in Business for spring 2014.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Researchers find a new gene expression mechanism of PRRS virus, new virus prevention strategies now possible
A collaborative study involving Kansas State University researchers has discovered a new gene expression mechanism in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome, or PRRS, virus — an important swine pathogen that costs the U.S. pork industry more than $600 million a year. The discovery provides a new avenue for scientists to explore strategies to control and prevent the disease.

Majority of pets overweight; how to tell if your furry friend is packing extra pounds

A survey from the Association for Pet Obesity Prevention found that about 53 percent of dogs are either overweight or obese.

Two educators honored for engagement projects that involve students, serve Kansas communities
R. Todd Gabbard, associate professor, director of graduate programs and associate department head of architecture, and Laura Kanost, associate professor of modern languages, are being recognized with Kansas State University Excellence in Engagement awards for developing student-driven projects that use service learning to benefit Kansas communities. 

Historic Costume and Textile Museum unveils 'Mid Century Moderne' exhibition in Kemper Gallery
An exhibit featuring items donated to Kansas State University's Historic Costume and Textile Museum by an Overland Park man in memory of his wife are on display through May 23 at the K-State Student Union's William Kemper Gallery.

Friday, May 9, 2014 

Karen Burg named Kansas State University's vice president for research
Following a national search, Kansas State University has named bioengineering expert Karen Burg as its vice president for research. Burg has been serving as interim vice provost and dean of the Graduate School at Clemson University since 2011. Beginning Aug. 3, she will lead Kansas State University's research mission in support of the goals of K-State 2025.


Thursday, May 8, 2014 

Computing and information sciences professor to serve as program director for National Science Foundation
As part of an effort to develop a better understanding of the fundamental properties of computer and network systems, and to create better abstractions and tools for designing and analyzing future engineered systems, a Kansas State University professor will embark on a two-year endeavor this summer.

EPA honors interdisciplinary projects on stormwater management
Two teams of Kansas State University engineers and landscape architects are being recognized nationally for developing ways to sustainably manage stormwater on campus.

Wildfires expected to cost more than $1 billion to extinguish
Fire season lasts longer and costs more, according to a new report from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. The report projects the Forest Service and Department of the Interior will need $1.8 billion to extinguish the 2014 wildfires, which is about $470 million more than budgeted.

College of Business Administration celebrates Executive Mentor Program
The Kansas State University College of Business Administration recently hosted its third annual Executive Mentor Appreciation Luncheon, which brought more than 325 students, executive mentors, faculty, staff and administrators together for recognition at the K-State Alumni Center.

Phi Kappa Phi honor society initiates nearly 100 new members for academic excellence
Outstanding academic work has earned nearly 100 Kansas State University students initiation to Phi Kappa Phi, the nation's oldest and most selective collegiate honor society for all academic disciplines.


Wednesday, May 7, 2014 

Don't get caught in a storm without your helmet and tennis shoes
With severe weather on the way, it's important to have a plan. A Kansas State University climatologist says that plan should include an emergency kit, including a helmet and tennis shoes.

Phillips 66 continues support for Kansas State University with $500,000 gift
Phillips 66 has made a gift of $500,000 to Kansas State University to benefit the College of Engineering, the College of Business Administration, the SHIELD Scholar program and a variety of programs across the campus.

Durband new director of School of Family Studies and Human Services
Dorothy "Dottie" Bagwell Durband, founding chair of the community, family and addiction services department in the College of Human Services at Texas Tech University, has been named director of the School of Family Studies and Human Services at Kansas State University.

University awards unclassified employees with presidential honor
The Kansas State University president's office is recognizing four unclassified professionals for achieving excellence in their contributions to the university.

Peer mentors chosen for inaugural class of First Scholars at Kansas State University
Six Kansas State University students will serve as peer mentors to the inaugural class of First Scholars at the university.

American classics: Jazz and bluegrass bands present McCain Performance Series finale
Kansas State University's McCain Performance Series will wrap up its 2013-2014 season with American Legacies: the Preservation Hall Jazz Band and Del McCoury Band, at 7:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 13, in McCain Auditorium.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014 

Scientists identify new protein in the neurological disorder dystonia, potential for treatments anticipated
A collaborative discovery involving Kansas State University researchers may lead to the first universal treatment for dystonia, a neurological disorder that affects nearly half a million Americans.

Faculty members, graduate student awarded for hard work as educators, advisers, leaders
Five Kansas State University faculty members and one graduate student are receiving 2014 Presidential Awards for their compassion, dedication and creativity as educators, advisers and administrators.

College of Business Administration honors student puts research on professionalism to practice
When Tina Ratcliff, Emporia, began her honors research project, she was hoping to make connections on the different ways that business executives and college students thought about the concept of professionalism.

Junior leaders: Chimes selects new members for 2014-2015
Kansas State University's Chimes Junior Honorary has announced its new members for the 2014-2015 school year.

Monday, May 5, 2014 

Equine specialist warns horse owners of dangerous virus
Two states have confirmed cases of equine herpes virus. K-State equine specialist explains the disease and describes the possible symptoms.

Four Kansas State University faculty members receive Commerce Bank Teaching Award
Four Kansas State University faculty members are being recognized with the Commerce Bank Outstanding Undergraduate Teaching Award for making a difference in the classroom.

University, high school student winners named in apparel design exhibition, runway show
Several Kansas State University apparel and textiles students received honors at the recent Apparel, Textiles, and Interior Design Student Symposium Showcase of Excellence.


Friday, May 2, 2014 

Interdisciplinary team places in architectural engineering competition
Interdisciplinary teamwork has paid off in some national recognition for Kansas State University students in the College of Engineering and College of Architecture, Planning & Design.

University's International Service Teams spending summer in Mexico, South Africa and Dominican Republic
Fifteen students from Kansas State University will spend their summer in service to communities around the world.

Thursday, May 1, 2014 

Student designs toolkit to make cities inclusive of adults with autism
Kansas State University landscape architecture student Elizabeth Decker has a goal for her master's research: help professionals create urban environments that are inclusive of her younger brother, Marc.

Alumni from Florida support Welcome Center and a new initiative in leadership
David and Ellie Everitt, Marco Island, Florida, have made a gift of $3 million to Kansas State University — $2 million will go to the School of Leadership Studies to establish the David and Ellie Everitt Endowment for the Leading Change Institutes, and $1 million will benefit the new K-State Welcome Center.

Commencement ceremonies May 10, 16 and 17
Kansas State University commencement ceremonies will be Saturday, May 10, at Kansas State University Salina, and Friday, May 16, and Saturday, May 17, on the Manhattan campus.

Students lend talents to university commencement ceremonies
Several Kansas State University students will be part of the university's upcoming commencement ceremonies — May 10, 16 and 17 — as performers, musicians and speakers.

Kansas State University inviting Native American students to explore opportunities in nuclear engineering
The Kansas State University chapter of the American Nuclear Society is hosting Native American high school and college students from across Kansas in an event to help them learn more about careers in nuclear engineering.