Petfood Research and Development Showcase
October 10-11, 2018, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS
Participate in a fun and relaxed learning environment where you use your hands, your nose and all your senses when you attend the Petfood Research and Development Showcase on October 10-11, 2018, at Kansas State University in Manhattan, Kansas.
This multi-day event is a joint industry-academic venture with Petfood Forum and Kansas State University to promote innovation, research and talent development focused on pet food and pet treat manufacturing. The Petfood Research and Development Showcase is hosted by the Kansas State Pet Food Program Team, and utilizes student volunteers as well as facilities within the community.
Participants will hear the latest on market trends and research regarding pet treats, foods with inclusions, and indulgence items, which are the fastest growing categories in pet food. The intent is to provide participants with interactive, engaging, and in some applications hands-on experiences with new technologies for producing these extra-nutritional food forms. Register here.
The 2018 Petfood R&D Showcase focused on exploring opportunities for whole and specialty grains in pet food. Please view presentations below:
K-State Pet Food Program Update (pdf), Dr. Greg Aldrich Research Associate Professor and Pet Food Program Coordinator, K-State
Validation of key control technologies in the modern production environment (pdf), Dr. Randy Phebus, Interim director and professor of food safety and defense, Kansas State University Food Science Institute
Palatability and preference of treats, toppers and inclusions (pdf), Dr. Kadri Koppel, Assistant Professor, Department of Food Nutrition Dietetics & Health at Kansas State University
Natural antioxidants from cereal grains and their byproducts (pdf), Dr. Yonghui Li, Associate Professor, Department of Grain Science & Industry at Kansas State University
What human food trends mean for pet treats and toppers (pdf), Lynn Dornblaser, Director of Innovation & Insight with Mintel
Detection and quantification of irradiation history of pet food products such as chicken jerky treats and sweet potato treats (pdf), Dr. Umet Ucel, assistant professor in animal science and industry, Kansas State University (Coming Soon)