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  4. »Annual FETE Teaching Workshop Jan. 31-Feb. 1

K-State Today

January 21, 2014

Annual FETE Teaching Workshop Jan. 31-Feb. 1

Submitted by Jana Fallin

Do you ever wonder why your students don't participate in class discussions? Do you wish more students would engage in the class activities? Well, we have answers for you.

The annual FETE Teaching Workshop, "Actively Engaging the Brain," will be Friday, Jan. 31, and Saturday, Feb. 1, in the K-State Alumni Center. Join us Friday afternoon and Saturday morning to hear Jeannie Loeb from the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill speaking about "The Brains Behind Teaching and Learning" and Jay Howard sharing engagement techniques in his presentation, "Why Won't They Talk? Using Discussion and Active Engagement to Facilitate Learning."

Many of your department heads or deans are paying your fee. Check on this and register here.   

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