October 15, 2014
Gaming, decision-making lecture Oct. 16

Casper Harteveld, assistant professor in the game design program of the College of Arts, Media and Design at Northeastern University and member of the Playable Innovative Technologies research group, will present "Play for Resilience and Sustainability: Gaming and Decision-Making" at noon Oct. 16 in 124 Bluemont Hall.
Harteveld will show examples of some of his game projects and will briefly discuss his research focus on gaming and decision-making. He has had several years of game design experience in the Netherlands and the U.S., including being an advisor for many industry and government-funded games of various types. He is the author
of two books, "Triadic Game Design" and "Making Sense of Virtual Risks," as well as was guest editor for the Simulation and Gaming Journal.
He has received several awards in the Netherlands and the U.S., including the Award for Best Dissertation by the Center for Management Simulations in the Netherlands. His grants include two National Science Foundation grants, "Mixed Reality and Mobile Gaming for 21st Century Engineering Education" and "GrACE: An AI-Based Game for Broadening Participation in Computer Science and Teaching Computational Thinking."
He teaches Game Interface Design and Games and Learning at Northeastern University.
Contact Rosemary Talab at talab@k-state.edu if you would like to attend via videoconference.