September 23, 2011
Physics colloquium to discuss revised MCAT and implications for science courses
The department of physics invites you to a colloquium by Robert Hilborn, associate executive officer of the American Association of Physics Teachers and adjunct professor at the University of Texas at Dallas, at 4:30 p.m. Monday in 102 Cardwell Hall.
Hilborn will present "The Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians Report and the Revised MCAT: Implications for Introductory Physics and Chemistry Courses for the Life Sciences."
The talk will focus on the the Association of American Medical Colleges in collaboration with the Howard Hughes Medical Institute report in 2009 on the Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians. The report recommends a list of scientific and mathematical competencies for both undergraduates preparing to enter medical school and for medical school graduates. Subsequently, the Association of American Medical Colleges undertook a review and revision of the Medical College Admissions Test. This talk will explain why the Scientific Foundations for Future Physicians report decided to emphasize competencies -- rather than courses, what those competencies are, and the implications of those recommendations for the revised MCAT and the role of physics and chemistry in the preparation of future physicians.
Coffee and cookies will be served prior to the colloquium at 4:15 p.m. in 119 Cardwell Hall. The colloquium is free and open to the public.