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  4. »Freshman Academic Progress Reports due Oct. 2

K-State Today

September 12, 2017

Freshman Academic Progress Reports due Oct. 2

Submitted by Stephanie Bannister

Academic Progress Reports for all freshmen are due at 5 p.m. Monday, Oct 2. Course instructors' evaluations are meaningful and useful information in helping students in a specific course and throughout their K-State college career. What's more, this information triggers academic advisors, student life professionals, tutors and others to engage identified students and thus assist course instructors in their core effort to educate and otherwise facilitate student success.

Instructors submit Progress Reports through KSIS. On Monday, Sept. 18, KSIS Faculty Center — under My Teaching Schedule — will use a mid-term grade roster icon to indicate fall 2017 courses and course sections with germane enrolled first-year students. Select this icon to access mid-term grade rosters.

Following the name of each student, please indicate whether the student's academic performance is currently satisfactory, grade A-C, or unsatisfactory, grade D-F. For those students whose performance-to-date are deemed unsatisfactory, course instructors are requested to indicate one or more reasons for this evaluation; at least one reason must be indicated. Please recall that, in addition to exams, quizzes and papers, it is perfectly appropriate to weigh class attendance, completion of homework in an accurate and timely fashion, classroom participation, out-of-class preparation, etc.

We will compile reports for each individual student, which students may access online, and academic advisors and/or academic support staff will contact students to offer assistance as appropriate. The provost and deans receive a comprehensive instructor participation/nonparticipation report.

We thank you for your expert Freshman Academic Progress evaluations.

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