April 3, 2018
College creates summer academy for high schoolers interested in teaching
The College of Education is launching the inaugural Kansas Advanced Teacher Academy, or KATA, a weeklong immersive experience June 10-15 designed to heighten high school students' exposure to the teaching profession while offering Kansas school districts the opportunity to identify and "grow their own" elementary teachers.
The institute promises six days of high-energy learning. High schoolers will team up for activities, develop model lessons, role play, meet with College of Education professors and visit with some of the college's most accomplished graduates in the early phases of their careers. Attendees also will observe current K-State students teaching middle schoolers in hands-on classes across campus. Registration includes lodging in the residence halls, campus tours, a free pass to the Natatorium, bowling and of course, Call Hall ice cream.
The institute is designed to expose high school sophomores, juniors and seniors to the teaching profession and acquaint them with life on a university campus.
For more information about the Kansas Advanced Teaching Academy, including registration details, eligibility, costs and schedule, please visit the website or email James Alberto at jalberto@k-state.edu or Lou Ann Getz at lgetz@k-state.edu.