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  4. »Last day to register to vote before Nov. 6 election

K-State Today

October 15, 2018

Last day to register to vote before Nov. 6 election

Submitted by Sue Peterson

Tuesday, Oct. 16, is the last day to register to vote before the Nov. 6 elections. Online registration is available with a valid Kansas driver's license or identification card.

The United States government requires that universities provide voter registration information to all U.S. citizens enrolled as students. Though voter registration is optional, Kansas State University highly encourages all K-Staters to become a registered voter and cast a ballot for various local, state and federal elections and referenda.

To register to vote in Kansas you must:

  • Be a citizen of the United States, a resident of Kansas and 18 by the next election.
  • Have received final discharge from imprisonment, parole or conditional release if convicted of a felony.
  • Not claim the right to vote in any other location or under any other name.
  • Not be excluded from voting for mental incompetence by a court of competent jurisdiction.
  • Be registered to vote at least 21 days before the election in which you wish to vote.

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