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  4. »Angela Y.S. Park selected for national award by American Political Science Association

K-State Today

September 14, 2020

Angela Y.S. Park selected for national award by American Political Science Association

Submitted by Myung Kyo Kim


Angela Y.S. Park, assistant professor of political science, has been awarded the prestigious 2020 Leonard D. White Award for the best doctoral dissertation in the field of public administration. The award is presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, a major professional society for individuals engaged in the study of politics and government.

"The dissertation makes contributions to research on public management and collaborative governance, and the findings also have the potential to inform the practice of public administration in local government," the award committee notes. "The committee was also impressed by the close fit between the research question that each chapter set out to investigate and the data used in the analyses, and by the clear writing style used throughout."

The quality of Park's work was recognized early on, when, in 2018, she won the Staats Emerging Scholar Award from the Network of Schools of Public Policy, Affairs, and Administration.

View the full announcement.

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