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  4. »Nature photographer to speak at Alumni Center April 4

K-State Today

March 27, 2013

Nature photographer to speak at Alumni Center April 4

Submitted by Jill Haukos

Bison on the Konza Prairie

Noted nature photographer Michael Forsberg will speak at 7 p.m. Thursday, April 4, at the K-State Alumni Center. He'll be sharing his amazing photography and the stories that accompany the capture of each shot. 

His photos capture the raw beauty of the Great Plains and are featured in the book "Great Plains: America's Lingering Wild." Tickets are $20 each or $10 for students and may be purchased online or at the door. Contact Jill Haukos at konzaed@k-state.edu for more information. Proceeds benefit the Konza Environmental Education Program.  

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