February 15, 2024
Transfer course evaluation form and workflow updates
A new transfer course evaluation request form has been launched.
Starting today, Feb. 15, this form will be available for all prospective and current students. Faculty and staff may also submit an evaluation request on a student's behalf. This form replaces the old validation of credit form. As we transition to the new form, we will honor validations of credit still working their way through the system but ask that new evaluation requests use the new form.
The launch of the new form coincides with a reenvisioning of our internal course evaluation process. Today officially marks the start of the new process using CollegeSource's Transfer Evaluation System. The updates to the internal workflow will streamline transfer credit evaluations for prospective and current students. The Transfer Evaluation System provides critical evaluation information in a more concise location and significantly simplifies the evaluators' user experience. More details on the various technology updates as well as new evaluation resources can be found on the updated Enrollment Management Resource pages.
Questions can be directed to our Transfer Articulation Unit at transferevaluation@k-state.edu.