September 3, 2013
Call for graduate student abstracts and faculty judges for Research and the State competition Oct. 29
Submitted by Graduate Student Council

The Graduate Student Council is now accepting graduate student abstracts for the annual Research and the State graduate student poster competition, which will be Tuesday, Oct. 29, in the K and S Ballrooms in the K-State Student Union.
The event is open to graduate students from all disciplines who are conducting research with implications for issues in the state of Kansas. The top presenters will be selected to represent K-State at the annual Capitol Graduate Research Summit in Topeka in spring 2014.
Abstract submission deadline: Friday, Sept. 27
Visit the Research Forums website for registration and abstract submission materials and additional information.
The Graduate Student Council also is searching for K-State faculty to volunteer as judges for Research and the State. Faculty interested in serving as judges should complete the Faculty Judge Volunteer Registration form.