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Go to Threshold
Go to Stabilization
You are at the Mobilize Phase
Go to Transformation
Go to The WonderWise Parent

85% completed


Recognize the consequences of the challenge
Mobilize focuses on “what to do next.” As Friends return to a more emotionally stable center, we shift from reflection to action. An action plan depends on understanding the misfortune, moving through and past it, and seeing the alternatives for responding to its consequences.

We begin problem solving by looking at the consequences of the heartbreak. What has changed in Friends’ lives and what is the challenge?

You and Friends might make a list of the aftershocks of the misfortune. What are the challenges now? A widow has legal matters to face, a home to reorganize. The mother of a cystic fibrosis child may realize that the stress is overwhelming her personal resources and her time with her other children. A hurricane survivor has fundamental challenges of food and shelter.

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