How anger affects us (answers)
In reality, all three of the systems could be included when any of these anger signs appear. Keep in mind that the presence of these symptoms does not necessarily mean that you are angry. Other medical problems could be the source.
Headache (skeletal)
Heart racing (cadio)
Rapid breathing (cadio)
Dry mouth (gastro)
Upset stomach (gastro)
Constipation (gastro)
Backache (skeletal)
Flushed face (cadio)
Biting teeth (skeletal)
Ulcers (gastro)
Each of us reacts differently in how our body responds to adrenaline and other stress hormones. Over time, chronic anger can cause one or more of these systems to begin to break down.
Reexamine your list of physical reactions you listed in Journal Entry #15, Anger Signs. What systems are most affected in how your body typically reacts to anger?
Next: The “birth” of anger