Responsive Discipline HomeIf you ask parents if they have any questions about childrearing, they are likely to respond with a concern about child guidance. The Responsive Discipline on-line course will lead you through a series of lessons about discipline for your own personal study. All the information you need is contained in the linked pages to the course. There is no cost to participate, no tests or grades. You proceed entirely on your own, at your own pace. Come back as often as you wish.You can begin by clicking on any of the lessons below. The Responsive Discipline navigation bar at the top of the page also provides a consistent and handy means for you to proceed from one lesson to the next. Clicking on the Help button inside the bar to the right will provide you with a brief summary about how the course is organized. You are now at the Responsive Discipline home page Lesson TopicsLesson 1. What is Responsive Discipline?Lesson 2. The Discipline Sequence Lesson 3. Establishing Priorities and Setting Limits Lesson 4. Why Children Misbehave Lesson 5. Thirteen Tips for Managing Discipline Effectively Lesson 6. The First Tool Set: Thinking Prevention First Lesson 7. The Second Tool Set: Guidance as the Primary Focus Lesson 8. The Third Tool Set: Consequences as a Last Resort Lesson 9. Some Thoughts About Spanking Lesson GuidelinesThe Responsive Discipline course is not a cattle chute. We are not interested in herding you to adopt a single strategy or perspective on discipline. The focus here is on making decisions based on alternatives. These alternatives are called tools. Effective discipline means blending intuition and knowledge about a child and the circumstances to shape a flexible response that teaches and strengthens the child's capacity for self-control. The more tools parents have available, the more effective they can be.The Responsive Discipline on-line course should not be viewed as a substitute for professional assistance. If your child has severe or continuing emotional problems, contact your local mental health center for a referral. Some problems require professional help.
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