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What is Responsive Discipline?
Responsive Discipline: Effective Tools for Parents is an informal
personal study course that provides tools for guiding and nurturing children
from early childhood through adolescence. There is nothing to mail, no
class to register for, no tests. You learn at home, at your own pace
over the World Wide Web. You might consider creating a bookmark for this
page so you can return later to continue your study. There are about
60 pages of information here so a leisurely approach to examining the
material might be wise.
There are no charges for this material, nor are there any hidden costs.
The course was created by Dr. Charles A. Smith as a gift to parents
around the world and is brought to you through the support of the Kansas
State University Cooperative Extension Service.
During this period of study you will be asked to consider authority
and influence in your relationship with your children and how your
own childhood might influence your discipline style. The course emphasizes
discipline as making informed decisions rather than finding the one
right way. At every step you will be encouraged to make your own
choices about discipline.
are associated with links to a personal reflection you can read to
apply course information on a more personal level. There will be
a return link on that page to bring you back to where you left off.
discipline emphasizes teaching.
For many parents, the word discipline may invoke vivid
memories--a stern father who ruled his family with an iron will
and acid tongue, a chilling glance from a disapproving teacher,
the smell of a leather belt or a freshly cut switch from a backyard
tree, or the gentle touch of a loving parent. Such experiences
have a significant effect on how parents view discipline and use
influence and power to guide their children. Although discipline is
often associated with punishment, training, and obedience, the
term originated in the Latin words disciplina and discipulus meaning
instruction and student. So to discipline means to educate,
especially in matters of conduct.
Everything we do to help our children learn is discipline.
This basic concept of the parent as a teacher is central to effective
childrearing. The effectiveness of discipline has to be judged
on how well a child has learned from us. Every time we use some
form of discipline, we should ask ourselves, What will my child
learn from my response?
of Discipline
discipline emphasizes decision making.
Responsive discipline is thoughtful. It is not impulsive or indulgent.
This does not mean that the decision to act is time consuming.
Sometimes action has to be swift for safety's sake. But impulsive decisions
are most often ineffective. The first reaction is not always the
best reaction.
discipline emphasizes alternatives.
Responsive discipline means making choices. The fewer choices
we have, the less effective we are likely to be. The more choices
or alternatives we have, then the more selective we can be to craft
a response appropriate for the child and the circumstances. When
our choices are limited, we may be left with no alternatives if
our response is unsuccessful.
Limited choices, put into action regardless of the situation,
can can become a crude and ineffective strategy. Like a carpenter
building a chair, the more tools we have, the more effective we
can be in building the character of our children. In contrast,
if the only tool we have is a hammer, then we are likely
to treat everything as though it were a nail. Responsive
discipline builds a parental toolbox so they have more flexibility
in their options.
Tool Parenting
discipline promotes self-esteem.
Parents who use responsive discipline consider their children's
feelings and needs. Self-respect, hope, courage, and compassion
are important goals for responsive discipline. (See I'm Positive:
Growing Up With Self-esteem)
Relationship Bank
discipline nurtures responsibility in children.
By setting and enforcing reasonable limits, we help children learn
self-control. Limits contribute to the child's understanding of
right and wrong and the development of values that emphasize the
feelings and needs of others. Responsive discipline emphasizes
freedom within reasonable boundaries. The ultimate goal of discipline
is an adult with a personal sense of responsibility.
Learning self-control and personal responsibility means acquiring
what psychologists call an internal locus of control. This
means that the source of control is internalindividual acts
out of sense of personal value and commitment. In contrast, an external
locus of control means that the individual depends on external
rewards or punishments to behave as the authority wishes. In the
absence of these external forces, the individual is free to act
Very young children begin with an external locus of control. As
they develop a conscience and a set of core values, then they cam
learn to guide themselves through an internal locus of control.
Certain types of childrearing practices contribute to an external
locus (e.g., rewards) while others help to nurture an internal
locus (e.g., reasoning). Reward and punishment are not necessarily
wrong. Using consequences is an important part of guidance and
discipline (more on that later in the course). The problem occurs
when they are overused.
Children who are raised primarily through external rewards and
punishments will avoid misbehavior out of a fear of being caught
and punished. They will try to act consistently with what they
have associated with rewards. These children behave if the parent
is nearby, ever watchful of how the parent will react to what they
do. When the parent is absent, however, these children may misbehave.
In the absence of supervision, these children are unable to control
their impulses. The rules belong to authority figures, not to themselves.
Children who gradually acquire an internal locus of control will
avoid misbehavior because they believe it is wrong. They will try
to act consistently with a set of standards of behavior they have
learned from their parents and made their own.
Locus of Control
discipline means accepting responsibility.
Parents who use responsive discipline accept their responsibility
to provide support and structure for their children. They do not
abandon their children by being permissive. Neither do they use
their power and authority to oppress and crush their children's
dignity. They are guides, not tyrants. They balance strength with
gentleness, control with freedom, disapproval with encouragement.
discipline views parents as capable and loving.
Any parent can make hasty mistakes in discipline when overwhelmed
by the pressures of childrearing. Under stress we can become confused
about our alternatives for responding to our children's misbehavior.
The constant pressure can wear us down.
Love sometimes means overcoming this adversity to provide what
our children need. They may not be pleased with our choices. Love
is better expressed by acting out of conviction, never through
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