Graduate Assistantship Tuition Waiver Form Tips & Resources
If the student is in their final semester, please contact the Graduate School ( for alternative documentation and procedure.
College/Department approvers who support and hold responsibility for the Graduate Assistantship Tuition Wavier request process will create new waiver requests by clicking "Create Waivers" in Decisions.
College/Department approvers who support and hold responsibility will have access to submitted Graduate Assistantship Tuition Waiver requests in Decisions and have the ability to see where the requests are in the approval process through the GA Waiver Tracker.
We encourage you to check the status of the waiver prior to emailing the Office ofthe Registrar ( as it can causes a longer response time, due to receiving multiple email inquiries.
Below is a screen shot of what you will see in the GA Waiver Tracker (this is a past semester in our Test instance that shows two of the four statuses):

Not submitted=a waiver was created, but wasn't submitted (checked the enrollment verification box and hit "submit"). In most cases, the user just hit "save & exit" by mistake! Users will need to open the waiver back up and complete the steps to submit the form. Please do not try to recreate a new waiver, or a "duplicate waiver" error will show up.
KSU GA ADMIN (not pictured)=this indicates that a waiver is sitting in the processing queue at the Office of the Registrar. These usually have a 3-5 day window where they are in this status, but please be aware that times there are higher volumes (like right now) could extend this processing time.
Processed=This means that the waiver was processed, and should be reflecting the following day in KSIS. If for some reason it is not, please email for troubleshooting.
KSU FO 20 (not pictured)=this status will ONLY show up if there are GTA tenths listed in the waiver. This means it's sitting with the approver at the dean's office/department, and has not reached the processing queue at the Office of the Registrar.
Frequently Asked Questions:
Who Is My "Authorized Department Approver"?
That depends on your College and/or Department structure.
The Business Manager, Department Head, or College Dean's Authority is likely an "Authorized Department Approver" within your current structure. If that is not you, please contact your Dean's Office for support.
Can I Use State Allocated Funds to Fund Graduate Tuition Waivers?
State allocated funds (Fund 1000 fund sources) may be used if specifically allocated by the State for this purpose.