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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

Term Final Examinations

University Handbook, F70-F76

 Final Examinations FAQs:  (updated 08/01/21)

1.  Is there a prep/dead-week expectation prior to Final Examinations?

Yes.  University policy that indicates no examination (unit or final) may be scheduled seven calendar days prior to the first scheduled day of semester examinations. {University Handbook, F71}

2.  What if I have more than two finals scheduled on the same day?

Students’ rights and expectations remain the same. If you have more than two finals scheduled on the same day, you may request from the instructor of the highest-level class (by course number) that the final be changed. Students should not be asked to take final exams or turn in final projects during dead week. 

Fall and Spring

A term final examinations week during which no regular courses meet is scheduled at the end of the fall and the spring terms. Final examinations are given during this period.

Choose Course Schedules -> Choose the Term -> Choose Course Schedule -> Instructions -> Final Examination Schedule (first paragraph under Course Schedule Information):  https://courses.k-state.edu/

Fall 2024 Schedule: https://courses.k-state.edu/fall2024/information/xam.html


Final examinations for summer term courses occur during the last week of each course at the course time and location.

Guidelines For Interpreting Term Final Examination Schedule

The Committee on Academic Policy and Procedures (CAPP) has developed a set of guidelines for interpreting the term final examination schedule.

Please Note

Except for honors, problems, seminars, language and fine arts performance courses, non-standard session courses, and Evening College courses, the last term final examination (last unit test or comprehensive test) in a course must be given during the term final examination week specified by the Committee on Academic Policy and Procedures and is on the K-State Course Schedule. Courses may have take-home examinations, projects, papers (excluding term papers), or other media, in lieu of written term final examinations as the last evaluation instrument in the course. In such instances, a deadline for submittal of the medium may not be earlier than the time of the end of the course’s scheduled term final examination.