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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

Program of Study Requirements

Graduate Degree Requirments

University Handbook, F130

The graduate faculty's general requirements for graduate degrees are contained in the Graduate Handbook. Additional degree requirements, specific to each discipline, are set by the faculty in each program and are available in published form.

Graduate Handbook, Chapter 2: The Master's Degree

Graduate Handbook, Chapter 3: The Doctoral Degree

Graduate Handbook, Chapter 4: Graduate Certificate Programs


Undergraduate Degree Requirements

University Handbook, F121

Refer to the Undergraduate University Catalog for additional information and requirements

Undergraduate Academic Minors

University Handbook, F160

Undergraduate minors provide students an opportunity to emphasize study in an area outside their major curriculum. Courses forming a minor may be used to satisfy the general requirements of a major curriculum, including free electives. Students are not required to complete a minor to graduate.

Students who declare and complete all requirements for a minor as part of a baccalaureate degree will receive official recognition on their academic records when the degree is posted. Undergraduate students interested in completing one or more minors should consult their advisor. Additional counsel should be sought from the minor program director. Students are encouraged to seek advice and information about potential areas of emphasis early in their academic planning.

Students who wish to complete a minor after a baccalaureate or during or after an advanced degree has been awarded by Kansas State University must reapply to Admissions as a non-degree student to add a minor. Students with baccalaureate or advanced degrees from another accredited college or university should consult the minor program director about the availability of the minor to non-K-State graduates.

  • Policy Questions
  • Admission procedures

A minor requires completion of at least 15 designated hours of course work. Faculty in departments offering minors have specified courses that enable students to acquire moderate expertise in their discipline. No more than six hours of transfer courses may be used for a minor. Prerequisites and requisites associated with minors must be followed, and students must earn the minimum GPA set by the minor program.

For more information on specific minors, consult individual department course listings and the minor program director.

A listing of all currently available minors is available in the Undergraduate Catalog.


Undergraduate Academic Credit Certificates

University Handbook, F170

A Kansas State University Undergraduate Academic Credit Certificate emphasizes a focused specialty area of study. The program must increase the knowledge and skills of individuals. The program must be validated by a specified assessment process.

Undergraduate academic credit certificates require approval through the Faculty Senate curriculum approval process.  The department and college that propose an undergraduate academic credit certificate program must provide for approval the following information:

   1) Purpose (clear and appropriate educational objective),

   2) Evidence of demonstrated need or demand for proposed certificate,

   3) Requirements,

   4) Desired outcomes,

   5) Assessment procedures,

   6) Estimated budget and staff required, and

   7) Evidence of approval of their certificate program through internal academic channels.


•  Certificates will require no fewer than twelve credit hours. 

•  No more than 25% of total credit hours required for the certificate may be transfer credits.

•  Minimum cumulative grade point average of 2.0 is required on courses applied to a certificate. 

A higher cumulative grade point average or minimum course grades of “C” or higher may be specified.  All courses applied to the certificate must have letter grades.  Courses with grades of “Credit” or “Pass” will not be applicable.

The department and college should also indicate whether or not the certificate can be obtained as a credential on its own (free-standing) or if the certificate may only be obtained by degree-seeking students at Kansas State University. If a specific degree program is required, it should be specified.

All free-standing certificate programs will share the following admission process and criteria unless additional/higher criteria are specified by the department and college.


All certificate programs require admission to Kansas State University. Certificates to be completed as a free-standing program require admission to Kansas State University as a non-degree, certificate-seeking student.

Students who do not intend to become a candidate for a bachelor's degree at Kansas State University must apply for admission as a non-degree, certificate-seeking student.  Such students must submit the admission application, application fee, and transcripts. Applicants must provide documentation of high school or GED completion and, if college courses have been attempted, official transcripts demonstrating a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher for all post-secondary coursework.

Students who later choose to pursue a bachelor's degree must apply for admission as a degree-seeking student.