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Office of the Registrar

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
919 Mid-Campus Drive North
Manhattan, KS 66506–0114

Main Line: 785-532-3552

Phone Hours:
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm
E-mail: registrar@k-state.edu 


Walk-in Hours:
 Wildcat One Stop
 119 Anderson Hall
 Monday, Wednesday through Friday
 8:00-5:00 pm
 9:00-5:00 pm

Student Forms

For each form that requires a signature, we encourage you to print and sign if possible.  You may then take a picture or scan the form back in with your signature.  If you do not have access to a printer we would ask that in lieu of your physical signature that you send the completed/saved form back from your K-State email.  Because you have to authenticate via your K-State email that can act as your signature/approval to move forward with the form. 

Forms can be returned to:

Office of the Registrar
118 Anderson Hall
Manhattan, KS 66506

Email:  registrar@ksu.edu


**you will need to download a fillable pdf or doc first and save the file

Form Type 
Form Type
Enrollment Adjustment
See your College Dean's Office
See your College Dean's Office
Late Drop/Withdrawal Appeal Form Students requesting to drop or withdraw from a class or classes for which the drop or withdrawal deadline has passed are required to fill out the Appeal for Late Drop/Withdrawal Form and work with their Academic Advisor and College Dean's Office for signatures and submission to the University Late Drop/Withdrawal Committee.
Late Drop/Withdrawal Appeal Form for 4th Year DVM Students ONLY 

4th Year DVM students are on a different academic calendar and need to work with the College Dean's Office directly when submitting this modified Late Drop/Withdrawal Appeal form. 

DVM Year 1-3 students will utilize the regular PDF version listed above. 


**you will need to download the fillable pdf or doc first and save the file


Form Type

Form TypeDescription 

Students can adjust their grading basis in their Student Center in KSIS. In the Student Center, click the Other Academic drop-down box and select “Enrollment: Edit.” This will pull up the edit page to select the A/Pass/F grading basis.

The A/Pass/F grading option is currently available for free electives only. Students are encouraged to work with their academic advisor prior to selecting this option to make sure it will work within their degree requirements. {Refer to the University Handbook, F91-93}

A/Pass/Fail Opt-in Form


Students can adjust their grading basis in their Student Center in KSIS  


Please be aware of the A/Pass/Fail deadline as listed on the Academic Calendar as forms are not accepted for a semester passed the deadline dates.
Incomplete Extension Form


 Word DocThis form is used to request an extension of an Incomplete Grade.



Academic Forgiveness


 This form is used to request Academic Forgiveness and is filled out by the student and then turned in with documentation to the Academic Standards Committee or College Dean's Office of the students Primary Major.
Academic Fresh Start


 This form is used to request Academic Fresh Start and is filled out by the student and then turned in with documentation to the Academic Standards Committee or College Dean's Office of the students Primary Major.

Official Transcripts:

   Document      Form type    Description   
Transcripts Third-Party Web process via Parchment Please see the Transcript page for transcript ordering information.


DocumentForm type Description

Replacement Diploma Form

Web form

Please see the Graduation page for information regarding the replacement diploma form.


**you will need to download fillable pdf or doc first and save the file

DocumentForm TypeForm TypeDescription
Enrollment Verification Request Form



Please see the Degree and Enrollment Verification page for information regarding the enrollment verification request form.

FERPA & Consent:

**you will need to download fillable pdf or doc first and save the file

DocumentForm Type Form TypeDescription
Request to Add or Remove a Non-Disclosure Hold of Student Directory Information



Please see the FERPA Non-Disclosure Information page for information regarding the non-disclosure hold request form.

This form IS NOT how you would grant designee access for a parent/spouse, etc...  That is handled by Designee Access allowing view access to Financial Aid and Student Accounts only.  See FERPA FAQs for additional information. 


Please see the Residency page for information regarding all forms related to Resident Tuition and Fees processes

Student Data:

**you will need to download fillable pdf or doc first and save the file

 DocumentForm TypeForm TypeDescription 
Student Data Information Change Form



 Submit this form along with your Supporting documentation. In order to change your information on KSIS such as changing marital status from “single” to “married”, your name, your birth date, or your address (only if you are a past student).

Upload your document

SSN Request Form for 1098-T



You have recieved a communication from the Division of Financial Services (DFS) indicating that your Social Security Number (SSN) or ITIN is not on file in KSIS for issuance of a 1098-T Tax document.   

Upload your document

Please refer to the letter and form for the required documentation that must be included with the submission.