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  4. »Call for proposals: 2025 Grandparents University

K-State Today

March 10, 2025

Call for proposals: 2025 Grandparents University

Submitted by Haylee Hendryx

Grandparents University will be offered by the K-State College of Education from July 27–29.

Grandparents University is a summer camp where grandparents and their grandchildren can engage in a variety of learning experiences on the K-State campus in Manhattan.

The camp will begin mid-afternoon on Sunday, July 27, and conclude with brunch on Tuesday, July 29. Participants will stay in residence hall suites and eat in one of the residence hall food complexes just like a college student.
The College of Education invites submissions for interactive 75-minute activities appropriate for children between the ages of 8–12 for Grandparents University. Each presenter or session will have a budget of $100.

This year, colleges may submit multiple proposals. Please do not be afraid to think outside of the box. The sessions will be offered in the morning or afternoon of Monday, July 28. Examples of previous sessions include:

  • Flour Power, led by the department of grain science and industry, where the focus was to learn about the different kinds of flour. Participants were also able to bake a treat to enjoy as a late-night snack.
  • Amusement Park Science, led by the College of Education, where the focus was to learn more about the science of roller coasters and the engineering process. Participants were able to utilize simple materials to create and test their thrilling designs.
  • Insects All Around Us, led by the department of entomology, where the focus was to learn more about insects and other critters all around us. Participants were able to learn how to identify different bugs and were given the opportunity to create their own bugs.

To stay aligned with the planning timeline, please reach out to gpu@k-state.edu with expressed interest by Friday, March 28.