March 10, 2025
Two-day showcase of graduate student and graduate faculty excellence
On March 11 and 12, 80 master's and doctoral students from throughout the university will showcase their graduate research and scholarly work at the annual K-State Graduate Research, Arts, and Discovery, or K-GRAD, Forum.
The forum kicks off with poster presentations on March 11 from 1-3 p.m. in the K-State Student Union Courtyard. On March 12, graduate students will share their work in 10-minute talks. Oral presentation sessions are scheduled throughout the day from 9:30 a.m.-3:15 p.m. in Room 227 and the Cottonwood and Flinthills rooms on the second floor of the K-State Student Union. A full schedule of presentations is available on the K-GRAD website.
This K-GRAD Forum offers opportunities for engagement, learning and community building for all members of the K-State community. Graduate student presenters build critical communication skills that enhance their preparedness for the job market. The Forum is also an excellent opportunity for the K-State community to learn about the important and interesting work graduate students are conducting with their faculty mentors. As an all-university event, K-GRAD brings together students, faculty and staff from across disciplines to make new connections and creates the potential for interdisciplinary collaborations.
The K-GRAD Forum will conclude with a special celebration of graduate faculty and graduate student accomplishments at 4 p.m. in the Union's Wildcat Chamber.
The celebration will begin with “Journey to Becoming a Distinguished Graduate Faculty,” a special conversation with this year’s recipients of the Commerce Bank and WT Kemper Foundation Distinguished Graduate Faculty Award — Sherry Haar, professor of interior design and fashion studies, and Bala Natarajan, professor of electrical and computer engineering. The award recipients will reflect on their professional journeys and speak about the experiences that contributed to their successful careers in research and graduate education. The conversation will be moderated by fellow distinguished graduate faculty.
Immediately following the conversation with the distinguished graduate faculty awardees, awards will be presented for outstanding graduate student presentations at the K-GRAD Forum. Twelve awards will be presented, six for poster presentations and six for oral presentations.
Please RSVP to attend the “Journey to Becoming a Distinguished Graduate Faculty” conversation and K-GRAD awards ceremony.
Questions about the K-GRAD Forum or the distinguished graduate faculty conversation may be directed to Tara Habhab,, graduate school event coordinator.