April 26, 2012
Students to speak about campus issues in speech forum today
Five students from two advanced public speaking classes will present campus issue persuasive speeches in a forum from 1-2 p.m. today in Town Hall at the Leadership Studies Building.
The students were selected by their peers to present. This event is a platform for students to address problems and provide solutions to benefit our university and community.
Here are the students and their speech titles in the order in which they will present:
- Wes Gardner, junior in communication studies, "What is Black and White and Isn't Read All Over?: Eliminating the K-State Readership Program."
- Eric Lindstrom, junior in political science, "Veterans Need Your Help: Assisting Veterans in Returning to K-State."
- Jordan Foote, senior in secondary education, "ADA Compliance Needed on Campus & in the K-State 2025 Visionary Plan."
- Brandon Hall, senior in marketing, "Increasing Diversity through the Retention of Out-of-State Students."
- John Reinert, junior in accounting, "Get Out and Vote: Low SGA Election Voter Turnou.t"
- Alternate: Matthew Finley, junior in communication studies, "Goal!: KSU's Soccer Opportunity as a Division I Sport"
The speech forum is free and the public is highly encouraged to attend.