October 1, 2020
Martha Smith-Caldas to present Division of Biology Seminar
Submitted by Division of Biology
Martha Smith-Caldas, teaching associate professor in the Division of Biology, will present "BIOL 100 — How to Beat Boredom" as part of the Division of Biology Seminar Series at 3:30 p.m. Monday, Oct. 5, via Zoom.
Presentation abstract: Over the last 12 years, I received support from the division, college, Office of International Programs, colleagues and friends to execute ideas and projects in the Division of Biology. The decision to abandon research and dedicate myself to solely teaching caused some apprehension about the possibility of becoming bored, despite the fact of really loving the classroom. Creating a long and successfully established study abroad program, bringing a new and innovative course to the division, and reinventing myself in the classroom are the topics I will cover in the virtual seminar.
If you would like to visit with Smith-Caldas, please contact her at mscaldas@k-state.edu.