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K-State Today

October 1, 2020

Student Senate introducing resolution on spring well-being days

Submitted by Nathan Bothwell

At tonight's Student Senate meeting, a resolution will be introduced with SGA's recommendation on spring well-being days. This resolution is a response to Faculty Senate and the university administration's decision to approve a new calendar without a weeklong spring break for the spring 2021 semester. On Sept. 11, Provost Charles Taber and Vice Provost for Enrollment Management Karen Goos announced that they would work with K-State SGA to identify two separate days to designate as well-being days when classes would not meet. 

The proposed resolution contains the followings recommendations: 

  • K-State SGA recommends the two allotted well-being days be placed on a Monday or Friday to allow three consecutive days of reprise from instruction.
  • K-State SGA recommends the well-being days be placed in the weeks of Feb. 22-26 and April 5-9 to create even sections of instruction.
  • K-State SGA asks all students to stay on campus during these brief breaks to prevent further spread of COVID-19.

If the resolution is approved by Student Senate, it will then be sent to a number of university administrators who ultimately make the final decision regarding the spring academic calendar. 

Any student who wishes to attend Student Senate to sit in or speak about the resolution is welcome. Student Senate will meet at 7 p.m. CDT tonight, Oct. 1, via Zoom. Students who would like to attend will need to email Speaker of the Student Senate Nathan Bothwell at ndbothwell@k-state.edu or SGA Advisor Kelli Farris at kellifarris@k-state.edu

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