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  4. »Kansas Water Institute to host collaborative research proposal workshop for faculty

K-State Today

October 4, 2024

Kansas Water Institute to host collaborative research proposal workshop for faculty

Submitted by Melissa Harvey

K-State faculty are invited to attend a two-day workshop geared toward jump-starting interdisciplinary research proposals. The event will assist participants to form successful research teams with other university faculty and will guide teams through the proposal process. Organizers say that researchers will leave the event with a fully written proposal, with some teams receiving support to get their projects off the ground right away.

The CoSearch Workshop, held Oct. 18-19 at the K-State Student Union, is a free event for faculty interested in collaboration and research. This workshop session will focus on water research, and participation is open to faculty from all colleges. Space is limited, so online registration is required.

"This interactive workshop is for those of us who have creative research ideas but may struggle finding the time to develop them into a full proposal, or for those who are looking to expand their work by including multiple research specialties," said Susan Metzger, Kansas Water Institute director.

CoSearch will guide participants through the process of forming an interdisciplinary team, choosing impactful research goals and crafting a proposal pitch. Teams will present their research ideas to a panel of judges, who will award prizes to winning projects. Metzger said that those prizes will vary, depending on the need of the research team.

"People will leave CoSearch with a product in hand," said Metzger. "Faculty will bring their ideas to the table on Friday and leave the next day with a finished proposal and a research team in place."

The workshop starts at noon on Oct. 18 and concludes with a party the evening of Oct. 19. All meals are included. More details about the workshop and a full agenda are available on the Kansas Water Institute website. Questions can be sent to water@k-state.edu